Research @ the Solar Energy Group
The Solar Energy Group has been highly active and prominent (publications) in
developing direct solar energy collection concepts and technology since
1975. It has licensed for commercialisation world leading technology in
the areas of solar selective absorber coatings, evacuated tube design,
optical solar collector design and thermal solar collector design. For
large-scale solar electricity generation, cost reductions are still
needed to compete with low cost traditional electricity in developed
nations. This overlying concern is an integral element of the work
undertaken in Applied and Plasma Physics.
A list of the research performed at The University of Sydney can be seen on the list in the drop down menu to the left. The dark grey research topics in the areas of solar thermal power plants (heat
transfer and optics), solar water heating using advanced flat plate
collectors, evacuated tube collectors for water and process heating,
and radiative cooling represent mature technologies. While the lighter grey research topics represent more active areas being concentrating PV systems and modelling.
Please choose from the menu to read about the interesting work being performed at the University of Sydney.