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Publications @ the Solar Energy Group2004Buie D. and Monger A. G., (2004) "The effect of circumsolar radiation on a solar concentrating system", Solar Energy 74 181-185. "Buie D., McCann M. J., Weber K. J. and Dey C. J.", (2004) "Full day simulations of antireflection coatings on silicon photovoltaics", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 81 13-24. 2003"Buie D., Dey C. J. and Bosi S. G.", (2003) "The effective size of the solar cone for solar concentrating systems", Solar Energy 74(5) 417-427. "Buie D., Imenes A. G.", (2003) ""An optical tool for simulating the optics of solar concentrating systems,"", In: International Solar Energy Society's Solar World Congress . "Buie D., Monger A. G. and Dey C. J.", (2003) "Sunshape distributions for terrestrial solar simulations", Solar Energy 74(2) 113-122. 2002"Buie D., Dey C. J. and Mills D. R. ", (2002) ""Optical considerations in line focus Fresnel concentrators,"", 11th Proceedings of the 11th SolarPACES International Symposium on Solar Thermal Concentrating Technologies . "Imenes A.G., Dey C., Buie D., Bosi S., and Mills D.R.", (2002) "A Small Paraboloidal Concentrator for Material Testing and Absorber Performance Characterisation.", Proceedings of the 11th SolarPACES International Symposium on Solar Thermal Concentrating Technologies . M Lenzen and G Treloar, (2002) "Embodied energy in buildings: wood versus concrete - reply to Bšrjesson and Gustavsson", Energy Policy 30 (3) 249-255. "M. Lenzen, J. Munksgaard", (2002) "Energy and CO2 life-cycle analyses of wind turbines-review and applications", Renewable Energy 26 (3) 339-362. "Mills D., Schramek P., Morrison G., Haynes B.S., Dey C., Buie D., and Imenes A", (2002) "MTSA Prototype Array Project ", Proceedings of the 11th SolarPACES International Symposium on Solar Thermal Concentrating Technologies . "Mills D.R., Schramek P., Dey C., Buie D., Imenes A.G., Haynes B.S., and Morrison G.L.", (2002) "Multi Tower Solar Array Project.", "Proceedings of the Solar Harvest conference, 40th Annual ANZSES conference" . 2001"A R Parker, R C McPhedran, D R McKenzie, L C Botten and N A P Nicorovici", (2001) "Photonic Engineering - Aphrodite's iridescence", Nature 409(6816) 36 - 37. B A Pailthorpe and J Louviere, (2001) "Obtaining insights about new product diffusion processes from analysis of the Stochastic component", Marketing Science Letters . Buie D. and Monger A. G. , (2001) "The effect of circumsolar radiation on solar concentrating systems", The International Solar Energy Society's Solar World Congress . C Kocer and RE Collins, (2001) "Measurement of very slow growth of cracks in glass", Journal of the American Ceramic Society . CJ Dey, (2001) "Heat transfer aspects of an elevated linear absorber", ISES/ANZSES Solar 2001 World Conference Adelaide . D Buie and A Monger, (2001) "The effect of circumsolar radiation on solar concentrating systems", ISES/ANZSES Solar 2001 World Conference Adelaide . D J H Cockayne and D R McKenzie, (2001) "Electron diffraction studies of the structure of amorphous and polycrystalline materials", Journal of Institute of Materials . D R McKenzie and M M M Bilek, (2001) "Thermodynamic theory for preferred orientation in materials prepared by energetic condensation", Thin Solid Films . "D R McKenzie, C M Goringe and M M M Bilek", (2001) "A thermodynamic theory for film growth under energetic impacts", Physical Review B . D R McKenzie and M Lenzen, (2001) "The correlation between exhalation from rocks and indoor concentration of 222Rn in the Sydney area", Radiation Protection in Australasia . "D R McKenzie, W Li, E G Gerstner, A Merchant, D G McCulloch and N A Marks", (2001) "Applications of tetrahedral amorphous carbon in limited volatility memory and in field programmable gate arrays", Diamond and Related Materials 10 230 - 233. DR Mills and CJ Dey, (2001) "Renewable energy mix technology mix for atmospheric carbon dioxide stabilisation by 2050", Advances in Solar Energy (Chapt 10) 14 385-400. DR Mills and CJ Dey, (2001) "Development strategies for solar thermal electricity generation", Advances in Solar Energy (Chapt 11) 14 401-423. M Lenzen, (2001) "A generalized input-output multiplier calculus for Australia", Economic Systems Research 13(1) 65 - 92. M Lenzen, (2001) "Errors in conventional and input-output-based life-cycle inventories", Journal of Industrial Ecology 4(4) 127-148. M Lenzen, (2001) "The importance of goods and services consumption in household greenhouse gas calculators", Ambio 30 (7) 439-442. M Lenzen and C J Dey, (2001) ""Economic, energy and emissions impact of some consumer choices, technology and government spending options"", Energy Economics . M Lenzen and SA Murray, (2001) "A modified ecological footprint method and its application to Australia", Ecological Economics 37 229 - 255. "MCJ Large, AR Parker, BC Steel, K Ho, SG Bosi, N Nicorovici, RC McPhedran and DR McKenzie", (2001) "The mechanism of light reflectance in silverfish", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 457 511 - 518. "NA Nicorovici, AA Asatryan, Botten LC, Busch K, McPhedran, De Sterke, Robinson, Smith, McKenzie, Parker", (2001) "Multipole methods for photonic crystal calculations", Photonic Crystals and Light Localization in the 21st Century (Conf. in Crete) 527-534. "RN Tarrant, CS Montross and DR McKenzie", (2001) "Combined deposition and implantation in the cathodic arc for thick film preparation", Surface and Coatings Technology . "S.G. Bosi, A. Bittar, Q-C. Zhang and D.R. Mills", (2001) "A DC Magnetron Sputter Chamber for Rapid Deposition of Uniform Solar Selective Surfaces on Flat-Plates", ISES/ANZSES Solar 2001 World Conference Adelaide . "S.G. Bosi, A. Bittar, Q-C. Zhang, C.J. Dey, V. Mercier and D.R. Mills", (2001) "Age Testing of Solar Selective Surfaces on Flat-Plates at 150¡C and 300¡C in Air", ISES/ANZSES Solar 2001 World Conference Adelaide . "W T Li, D R McKenzie, W D McFall and Q-C Zhang", (2001) "Effect of Sputtering-gas Pressure on Properties of Silicon Nitride Films Produced by Helicon plasma sputtering", Thin Solid Films 384 46 - 52. "Y Yin, M V Swain, D R McKenzie, T Bell, L Enjeti and L Wielunski", (2001) "Influence of mechanical properties of TiN on diffusion barrier in hot-Al metallisation process", . 2000Buie D. , (2000) ""Flux distributions on a linear absorber,"", The 38th Australia and New Zealand Solar Energy Society Conference . C Dey, (2000) "Solar Steam Generator Prototype Report", Report prepared for Austa Energy and Stanwell Corporation Jan-40. C Dey, (2000) "Milestone Report 3: SERDF Grant #99/6060", Internal Report only . C J Dey and M Lenzen, (2000) "Greenhouse gas analysis of electricity generation systems", ANZSES Solar 2000 Conference 658-668. "C J Dey, D R Mills and G L Morrison", (2000) "Operation of a CLFR research apparatus", ANZSES Solar 2000 Conference 516-527. D Buie, (2000) "Flux distributions on a linear absorber", ANZSES Solar 2000 Conference 556-562. "D Burbidge, D R Mills and G L Morrison", (2000) "Stanwell Solar Thermal Power Project", 10th Solarpaces Solar Thermal Concentrating Technologies Conference 21 - 26. "D G McCulloch, D R McKenzie and C M Goringe", (2000) ""Ab initio study of structure in boron nitride, aluminium nitride and mixed aluminium boron nitride amorphous alloys"", Journal of Applied Physics 88(9) 5028 - 5032. "D J H Cockayne, D R McKenzie, W McBride, C J M Goringe and D G McCulloch", (2000) "Characterisation of amorphous materials by electron diffraction and atomistic modeling", Microscopy and Microanalysis 6(4) 329 - 334. "D R McKenzie, E G Gerstner, A R Merchant, D G McCulloch, P E Goa, N C Cooper and C M Goringe", (2000) "The electronic structure and memory device applications of tetrahedral amorphous carbon", Specialist Meeting on Amorphous Carbon 1999 . "D R McKenzie, E G Gerstner, A R Merchant, D G McCulloch, P E Goa, N C Cooper and C M Goringe", (2000) "The electronic structure and memory device applications of tetrahedral amorphous carbon", International Journal of Modern Physics B 14 (2 and 3) 230 - 241. "D R McKenzie, K H Lee and N A Marks", (2000) "Building a quantum computer by molecular dynamics", Sixth Australian Molecular Modelling Conference . "D R McKenzie, W E McBride, N A Marks, M M M Bilek, C M Goringe, D G McCulloch and D J H Cockayne", (2000) "New Microscopies for structural analysis of amorphous materials", 7th Asia-Pacific Electron Microscopy Conference . D R Mills and C J Dey, (2000) "Transition strategies for solar thermal power generation", ISES 1999 Solar World Congress . D R Mills and G L Morrison, (2000) "Compact linear Fresnel reflector solar thermal powerplants", Solar Energy 68 263 - 283. DR Mills and CJ Dey, (2000) "Keynote address: Appropriate market strategy for solar thermal electricity", ANZSES Solar 2000 Conference 67-84. "DR Mills, CJ Dey, GL Morrison", (2000) "Stanwell solar power station project", "EuroSUN 2000, Copenhagen" . E G Gerstner and D R McKenzie, (2000) "Cycling effects in nitrogen doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon non-volatile memory cells", Solid State Electronics 44(9) 1641 - 1645. "GR Greenoak, RN Tarrant, DR McKenzie", (2000) "UVA in question", "Cosmetics, Aerosols and Toiletries in Australia" 14 (4) 11-16. "J A Laurence, D R McKenzie, P W French and A Kwan", (2000) "Athermal pulsed microwave exposure induces the heat shock response", Radiocommunications (Electromagnetic Radiation - Human Exposure) Amendment Standard 2000 (1) . "JA Laurence, PW French, RA Lindner and DR McKenzie", (2000) "Biological effects of electromagnetic fields - Mechanisms for the effects of pulsed microwave radiation on protein conformation", Journal of Theoretical Biology 206(2) 291 - 298. L E Hall and D R McKenzie, (2000) "Coordination number determination in binary alloys using electron diffraction", Philosophical Magazine A 80(3) 525 - 541. M Lenzen, (2000) "Life-cycle assessment of Australian transport", 2nd National Conference on Life Cycle Assessment . M Lenzen and C J Dey, (2000) "Truncation error in embodied energy analyses of basic iron and steel products", Energy - The International Journal 25(6) 577 - 585. M Lenzen and G Braoudakis, (2000) "Scintillation counters", Encyclopaedia of Electrical and Electronic Engineering . M Lenzen and R E Collins, (2000) "Hermetic indium metal-to-glass-tube seal. ", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A-Vacuum Surfaces& Films. 18(2) 552 - 553. M Lenzen and S Smith, (2000) "Teaching responsibility for climate change: three neglected issues", Australian Journal of Environmental Education 15/16 65 - 75. M Lenzen and S Smith, (2000) "Teaching responsibility for climate change: three neglected issues", Australian J. of Environmental Education 15/16 65-75. "M M M Bilek, D R McKenzie, D G McCulloch and C M Goringe", (2000) "Ab initio simulation of structure in amorphous hydrogenated carbon", Physical Review B 62 (5) 3071 - 3077. "M M M Bilek, P Evans, D R McKenzie, D G McCulloch, C R Howlett and H Zreiqat", (2000) "Metal ion implantation using a filtered cathodic vacuum arc", Journal of Applied Physics 87 (9) 4198 - 4204. "N C Cooper, C M Goringe and D R McKenzie", (2000) "Density functional theory modelling of amorphous silicon", Computational Materials Science 17 1-Jun. N Ng and R E Collins, (2000) "Evacuation and outgassing of vacuum glazing", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 18(5) 2549 - 2562. Q-C Zhang, (2000) "Recent progress in high-temperature solar selective coatings", The 5th International Union of Materials Research Societies International Conference on Advanced Materials 62 63 - 74. RE Collins, (2000) "State of the art vacuum glazing", World Renewable Energy Congress VI . "RE Collins, M Lenzen and N Ng", (2000) "Evacuated flat glass panels", Journal of Vacuum Science Technology A 18(3) 1035 - 1037. "W T Li, D R McKenzie and W Wiszniewski", (2000) "A Comparative study of the on-off switching behaviour of metal-insulator-metal antifuses", IEEE Electron Device Letters 21(6) 295 - 297. "W T Li, D R McKenzie, W D McFall, Q-C Zhang and W Wiszniewski", (2000) "Breakdown mechanism of Al2O3 based metal-to-metal antifuses", Solid State Electronics 44 1557 - 1562. "Y G Shen, Y W Mai, W E McBride, Q C Zhang and D R McKenzie", (2000) "Structural properties and nitrogen-loss characteristics in sputtered tungsten nitride films", Thin Solid Films 372 257 - 264. "Y. G. Shen, Y. W. Mai, D. R. McKenzie, Q. C. Zhang, W. D. McFall and W. E. McBride", (2000) ""Composition, residual stress, and structural properties of thin tungsten nitride films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering"", Journal of Applied Physics 88 (3) 1380 - 1388. "YG Shen, YW Mai, QC Zhang, DR McKenzie and WD McFall", (2000) ""Residual stress, microstructure, and structure of tungsten thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering"", Journal of Applied Physics 87(1) 177 - 187. 1999"A V Rode, S T Hyde, E G Gamaly, R G Elliman, D R McKenzie and S Bulcock", (1999) "Structural analysis of a carbon foam formed by high pulse-rate laser ablation", Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 69(Suppl.) S755 - S758. C Dey, (1999) "Solar Steam Generator Prototype Report", Report prepared for Austa Energy and Stanwell Corporation Jan-15. C Dey, (1999) "Summary of Attendance at Solar 99", Internal Report only . C Dey, (1999) "Milestone Report 2: SERDF Grant #99/6060", Internal Report only . "C R Howlett, H Zreiqat, Y Wu, W D McFall and D R McKenzie", (1999) "The effect of ion modification of commonly used orthopedic materials on the attachment of human bone-derived cells", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 45(4) 345 - 354. "D G McCulloch, D R McKenzie, C M Goringe, D J H Cockayne, W McBride and D C Green", (1999) "Experimental and theoretical characterisation of structure in thin disordered films", Acta Crystallographica A55 178 - 187. D R McKenzie and M M M Bilek, (1999) "Electron diffraction from polycrystalline materials showing stress induced preferred orientation ", Journal of Applied Physics 86 230 - 236. D R McKenzie and S Morrell, (1999) "Childhood Leukaemia and TV towers: the debate continues", Australia and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 23 553 - 555. "D R McKenzie, A R Parker and W E McBride", (1999) "Determination of Structure in Disordered Composite Media", IUTAM Symposium 99/4 - Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves in Structured Media 1 44 - 45. D R Mills, (1999) "The New ISES", Journal De Physique IV 9 (P3) 47 - 50. D R Mills and G L Morrison, (1999) "Modelling study for compact Fresnel reflector power plant", Journal De Physique 9(P3) 159 - 165. D R Mills and P Schramek, (1999) "Multi Tower Solar Array (MTSA) with ganged heliostats", Journal De Physique 9(P3) 83 - 88. DR McKenzie and CM Goringe, (1999) "Carbon structures containing negatively curved sheets", Fullerene Science and Technology 7 1145 - 1149. "E G Gerstner, D G McCulloch, D R McKenzie and E Yap", (1999) "Structural effects in ion-beam-modified polymers", Philosophical Magazine A 79 (2) 391 - 402. E G Gerstner and D R McKenzie, (1999) "Cathodic arc deposition of nitrogen doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon for computer memories", Proceedings of the 22nd AINSE Plasma Science and Technology Conference 51 - 52. G L Morrison and D R Mills, (1999) "Solar Thermal power systems - Stanwell Power Station Project", ANZSES Annual Conference . "G L Morrison, M Behnia, M Cook, N Groenhout and D R Mills", (1999) "Optimal design of Advanced Solar Water Heaters", Sixth Australian Natural Convection Workshop . "J Sun, L Sun, J Jin, A Yu, Q-C Zhang and P Zhang", (1999) "Science and Technology - Advancing into the New Millenium", 610 - 610. M Lenzen, (1999) "Total requirements of energy and greenhouse gases for Australian transport", Transportation Research Part D 4 265 - 290. M Lenzen, (1999) "Greenhouse gas analysis of solar-thermal electricity generation", Solar Energy 65 (6) 353 - 368. M Lenzen and D R McKenzie, (1999) "Comparative measurements of 222Rn exhalation from rocks and soil of the Sydney area", Radiation Protection in Australasia 16 16 - 21. M Lenzen and H J Neugebauer, (1999) ""Measurement of radon concentration and the role of earth tides in a gypsum mine in walferdange, Luxembourg"", Health Physics 77(1) 1-Sep. M Lenzen and HJ Neugebauer, (1999) ""Measurements of radon concentration and the role of earth tides ina gypsum mine in Walferdange, Luxembourg"", Health Physics 77 1-Sep. "M Lenzen, G M Turner and R E Collins", (1999) "Thermal outgassing of vacuum glazing", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 17 1002 - 1017. "N C Cooper, D R McKenzie and C M Goringe", (1999) "Ab Initio simulation of amorphous carbon", 23rd ANZIP Condensed Matter Physics Meeting WP25 - WP25. Q-C Zhang, (1999) "Recent progress in the materials science and sputtering technology of solar absorbing coatings", 135 - 163. Q-C Zhang, (1999) "Advances in solar photo-thermal conversion materials", 420 - 430. Q-C Zhang, (1999) "DIST Project Report (File: 97/0201) Australia-China Collaboration Project - The international Science and Technology Program 1998/99", Internal report only . Q-C Zhang, (1999) "High efficiency Al-N cerment solar coatings with double cermet layer film structures", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 32 1938 - 1944. "Q-C Zhang, K Zhao, B.-C Zhang, L.-F Wang, Z.-L Shen, D.-Q Lu, D.-L Xie and B.-F Li", (1999) "High performance Al-N cermet solar coatings deposited by a cylindrical direct current magnetron sputter coater", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 17(5) 2885 - 2890. "R E Collins, O Asano, M Misonou, H Katoh and S Nagasaka", (1999) "Vacuum Glazing: Design options and performance capability", "Glass in Buildings Conference, Bath, United Kingdom" n/a 221 - 226. S K H Lam and B Sankrithyan, (1999) "YBa2Cu3O7-x rf superconducting quantum interference devices fabricated by selective epitaxy growth", Applied Physics Letters 12 215 - 218. "TM Simko, AH Elmahdy and RE Collins", (1999) "Determination of the overall heat transmission coefficient (U-value) of vacuum glazing", American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers Transactions "105, Part 2" 891 - 899. "W G Sainty, D R McKenzie and W D McFall", (1999) "Plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition for optical coatings", Proceedings of the 22nd AINSE Plasma Science and Technology Conference 75 - 75. "W T Li, D R McKenzie, W D McFall and W Wiszniewski", (1999) "Low temperature plasma enhanced CVD for Antifuse Technology", Proceedings of the 22nd AINSE Plasma Science and Technology Conference 51 - 51. "YG Shen, YW Mai, WE McBride, DR McKenzie and Q-C Zhang", (1999) "Oxygen-induced amorphous structure of Tungsten thin films", Applied Physics Letters 75 2211 - 2213. 1998S K H Lam, (1998) "Observation of thermally activated flux creep in YBa2Cu3O7-y microbridges", Superconductor Science and Technology 11 1177 - 1180. A Merchant and D McKenzie, (1998) "Electron energy loss analysis of carbon films", . "A R Parker, D R McKenzie and S T Ahyong", (1998) "A unique form of light reflector and the evolution of signalling in Ovalipes (Crustacea: Decapoda: Portunidae)", "The Royal Society, Proceedings: Biological Sciences" 265 861 - 867. "A R Merchant, D G McCulloch and R Brydson", (1998) ""A comparison of experimental and calsulated electron-energy loss near-edge structure of carbon, and the nitrides of boron, carbon and silicon using multiple scattering theory."", Diamond and Related Materials 7(9) 1303 - 1307. "A R Parker, D R McKenzie and M C J Large", (1998) "Multilayer reflectors in animals using green and gold beetles as contrasting examples", The Journal of Experimental Biology 201 1307 - 1313. "B A Pailthorpe, D Mitchell and N S Bordes", (1998) "Thermal diffusion in molecular dynamics simulations of thin film diamond deposition", Thin Solid Films 332 109 - 112. "C F Wilson, T M Simko and R E Collins", (1998) "Heat conduction through the support pillars in vacuum glazing", Solar Energy 63(6) 393 - 406. "C J Dey, A J Read, R E Collins and M Brunotte", (1998) "A guarded cold plate apparatus for absolute measurement of heat flow", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 41(20) 3099 - 3108. C Kocer and R E Collins, (1998) "Angle of Hertzian cone cracks", Journal of American Ceramics Society 81(7) 1736 - 1742. "CJ Dey, TM Simko, RE Collins and Q-C Zhang", (1998) "Design and validation of guarded hot plate instruments for measuring heat flow between evacuated plane-parallel glass surfaces", Review of Scientific Instruments 69(8) 2939 - 2947. "D G McCulloch, D R McKenzie, D J H Cockayne and C M Goringe", (1998) "Experimental and theoretical characterisation of structure in thin disordered films", "Microscopy and Microanalysis, Proceedings: Microscopy and Microanalysis ï98, Atlanta, Georgia, July 12-16, 1998" 4 supp. 2 704 - 705. D R McKenzie, (1998) "The health effects of electromagnetic fields", 8th Biennial Science Teachers Workshop 1-Sep. "D R McKenzie , Y Yin and S Morrell", (1998) ""Childhood incidence of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and exposure to broadcast radiation in Sydney, Australia - a second look"", Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 22(3) 360 - 367. D R McKenzie and M M M Bilek, (1998) "Thermodynamic theory for preferred orientation in carbon and cubic BN", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 16 (4) 2733 - 2734. D R McKenzie and S R Bulcock, (1998) "Electron energy loss analysis of carbon films", 1-Jul. "D R McKenzie, D G McCulloch, C M Goringe and A R Merchant", (1998) "Observation and theoretical prediction of structure in amorphous carbon and releated materials ", "Microscopy and Microanalysis, Proceedings:Microscopy and Microanalysis ï98" 4 supp. 2 696 - 697. "D R McKenzie, M M M Bilek, J Piggott, C R Howlett, P Evans and D G McCulloch", (1998) "Cathodic arc plasma immersion ion implantation for biomedical applications", 4th Asia-Pacific converence on Plasma Scinece and Technology - 11th Symposium on Plasma Science for Materials 29 - 29. E G Gerstner and D R McKenzie, (1998) "Nonvolatile memory effects in nitrogen doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon thin films", Journal of Applied Physics 84 (10) 1-May. E G Gerstner and D R McKenzie, (1998) "Fabrication and characterisation of novel electronic devices using tetrahedral amorphous carbon", Diamond and Related Materials 7 1172 - 1177. E G Gerstner and D R McKenzie, (1998) "Nonvolatile memory effects in doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon thin films", "Materials Research Society 1997 Fall Meeting Symposium, Boston, USA, 1-5 December 1997" . "E Yap, D G McCulloch, D R McKenzie, M V Swain, L S Wielunski and R A Clissold", (1998) "Modification of the mechanical and optical properties of a polycarbonate by 50 keV Ar+ and H+ ion implantation", Journal of Applied Physics 83(6) 3404 - 3412. J Wood, (1998) "Detection of microscopic levels of aluminium on solar cells in production", . "L E Hall, D R McKenzie, R L Davis, M I Attalla and A M Vassallo", (1998) "The structural determination of the hydrofullerene C60 D36 by neutron diffraction", Acta Crystallographica Section B B54 345 - 350. M Lenzen, (1998) "Primary energy and greenhouse gases embodied in Australian final consumption: an input-output analysis", Energy Policy 26 (6) 495 - 506. M Lenzen, (1998) ""The energy and greenhouse gas cost of living - Australia, 1993/94"", Energy 23 (6) 497 - 516. M Lenzen and H J Neugebauer, (1998) "Analysis of quasicontinuous radon monitor response", Health Physics 74 (1) 64 - 70. "M M M Bilek, P J Martin and D R McKenzie", (1998) "Influence of gas pressure and cathode composition on ion charge states and energy distributions in filtered cathodic vacuum arcs", Journal of Applied Physics 83 (6) 2965 - 2970. Q C Zhang, (1998) "Solar selective coatings for solar thermal electricity", Australian and New Zealand Physicist 35 (1) 16 - 21. QC Zhang, (1998) "Stainless steel-AlN cermet selective surfaces deposited by direct current magnetron sputtering technology", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 52 95 - 106. Q-C Zhang, (1998) "Metal-AIN cermet selective surfaces deposited by DC magnetron sputtering technology", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 31 (4) 355 - 362. "Q-C Zhang, K Zhao, B-C Zhang, L-F Wang, Z-L Shen, Z-J Zhou, D-Q Lu, D-L Xie and B-F Li", (1998) "New cermet solar coatings for solar thermal electricity applications", Solar Energy 64 (1-3) 109 - 114. "Q-C Zhang, K Zhao, B-C Zhang, L-F Wang, Z-L Shen, D.-Q Lu, D-L Xie, Z-J Zhou and B-F Li", (1998) "A cylindrical magnetron sputtering system for depositing metal-AIN cermet solar coatings onto batches of tubes", "Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, America" 16 (2) 628 - 632. R E Collins, (1998) "Report on trip to Nippon Sheet Glass: 3-4 February 1998", Trip Report . R E Collins, (1998) "Recognising Excellent Teaching", Synergy . R E Collins and J-Z Tang, (1998) "Options for large scale manufacture of vacuum glazing", Report to NSG . R E Collins and T M Simko, (1998) "Current status of the science and technology of vacuum glazing", Solar Energy Journal Special Issue 62(3) 189 - 213. "R E Collins, J-Z Tang, M Lenzen and P Ireland", (1998) ""Report to Nippon Sheet Glass Co Ltd, Collaborative Research, February 1998"", Report to NSG . "R E Collins, M Lenzen, J-Z Tang, N Ng and P Ireland", (1998) ""Report to Nippon Sheet Glass Co Ltd - Collaborative Research, May 1998"", "Report to Nippon Sheet Glass, May 1998" . RE Collins, (1998) ""Report on Trip to Nippon Sheet Glass, 10-13 May 1998"", "Report on Trip to Nippon Sheet Glass, 10-13 May 1998" . "RE Collins, M Lenzen, J-Z Tang, N Ng, P Ireland, R Powles, M Boey and CJ Dey", (1998) "Report to Nippon Sheet Glass Co Ltd on Collaborative Research - July 1998", Report to NSG . S Bosi, (1998) "Report on the reliability of measured total solar-energy transmittances of low-iron patterned sheet glass calculated using an estimate of ttotal (3718.4nm) based on a measurement of tdirect(3718.4nm).", . S Bosi, (1998) "Report on the luminous transmittance and the luminous reflectance of 4.5mm and 6.0mm Lexan sheet.", . "T M Simko, A C Fischer-Cripps and R E Collins", (1998) "Temperature-induced stresses in vacuum glazing; modelling and experimental validation", Solar Energy 63(1) Jan-21. "W E McBride, D G McCulloch, D R McKenzie and D C Green", (1998) "Plasmon dispersion measurements in the electron microscope: application to carbon solids", Micron 29(1) 1-May. "W Wang, N Bordes, B Pailthorpe and L Leslie", (1998) "High-Resolution weather visualisation", Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Conference (Vol. 1 of 2) 1 664 - 673. 1997"A R Merchant, D G McCulloch, J Khachan and D Barbara", (1997) "Synthesis and characterisation of diamond and carbon notrides deposited using hot-filament and microwave plasma chemical vapour deposition", "Proceedings of the 4th Vacuum Society of Australia Congress, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, 24-26 September 1997." . B A Pailthorpe and R Carson, (1997) "Economics gets a new look at the history of the US economy", Gather/Scatter "13, 2" 14 - 14. D G McCulloch and D R McKenzie, (1997) "Material research benefits industry", MIKROS - Official newsletter of the Australian Key Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis 1(3) 6-Jun. "D G McCulloch, C M Goringe, A R Merchant and D R McKenzie", (1997) "First-principles quantum molecular dynamics of amorphous carbon-nitrides", "Proceedings of the 4th Vacuum Society of Australia Congress, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, 24-26 November, 1997" . "D G McCulloch, D R McKenzie, S Prawer, A R Merchant, E G Gerstner and R Kalish", (1997) "Ion beam modification of tetrahedral amorphous carbon: the effect of irradiation temperature", Diamond and Related Materials 6(11) 1622 - 1628. D H Cockayne and D R McKenzie, (1997) "Electron diffraction studies of the structure of amorphous materials", International Centennial Symposium on the Electron . D R McKenzie, (1997) "Multiple scattering in polycrystalline specimens", Advanced workshop on electron microscopy and electron diffraction . D R McKenzie and E G Gerstner, (1997) "Applications of tetrahedral amorphous carbon", "8th European conference on Diamond, Diamond-like and Related Materials, 3-8 August 1997" . "D R McKenzie, D G McCulloch and C M Goringe", (1997) "The application of Car-Parinello molecular dynamics to the study of tetrahedral amorphous carbon", 10th Australian Conference on Nuclear Techniques of Analysis . D R McKenzie, (1997) "Report for Mr Peter Barnao: Digital telephone transceivers operating at a nominal 925 MHz", . D R McKenzie and EG Gerstner, (1997) "Applications of tetrahedral amorphous carbon in electronics", "Diamond ï97, 8th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like and Related Materials" . D R McKenzie and M M M Bilek, (1997) "Energetic condensation methods for the preparation of tetrahedral carbon and cubic boron nitride - thermodynamic theory", "Proceedings of The 4th NIRIM International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM ï97), Tsukuba, Japan, March 3 - 7, 1997" 29 - 34. "D R McKenzie, E G Gerstner, D G McCulloch and C M Goringe", (1997) "The structure of tetrahedral amorphous carbon", "Proceedings of the 1st International Specialist Meeting on Amorphous Carbon, 31 July - 1 August 1997" Mar-13. "D R McKenzie, Y Yin, E Gerstner and MMM Bilek", (1997) "New developments in processing cathodic arc plasmas", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 25(4) 652 - 659. D R Mills and G L Morrison, (1997) "Advanced Fresnel reflector powerplants - performance and generating costs", ANZSES Annual Conference paper 84 . D R Mills and G L Morrison, (1997) ""Modelling of compact linear Fresnel reflector powerplant, technology, performance and cost estimates"", "ISES Bi-annual Conference, Taejon, Korea" 2 235 - 244. "DG McCulloch, AR Merchant and DR McKenzie", (1997) "Electronic structure of carbon nitride and boron nitride materials", "Diamond ï97, 8th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like and Related Materials" . "DG McCulloch, AR Merchant, EG Gerstner, DR McKenzie, S Prawer and R Kalish", (1997) "Ion beam modifcation of tetrahedral amorphous carbon", "Diamond ï97, 8th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like and Related Materials" . DR Mills, (1997) "New solar powerplant technology; current developmental status and potential benefits", "Ecologically sustainable development conference, Maritime Museum" . DR Mills and GL Morrison, (1997) "Solar energy for the Olympic Games 2000", Eurosun 96 Book 4 1661 - 1666. EG Gerstner and DR McKenzie, (1997) "Fabrication and characterisation of novel electronic devices using tetrahedral amorphous carbon", "Diamond ï97, 8th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like and Related Materials" . G M Turner and R E Collins, (1997) "Measurement of heat flow through vacuum glazing at elevated temperatures", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 40(6) 1437 - 1446. "L S Wielunski, R A Clissold, E Yap, D G McCulloch, D R McKenzie and M V Swain", (1997) "Mechanical and structural modification of CR-39 polymer surface by 50 keV hydrogen and argon ion implantation", NIM B Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 127 698 - 701. "M Chhowalla, Y Yin, G A J Amaratunga, D R McKenzie and Th Frauenheim", (1997) "Boronated tetrahedral amorphous carbon", Diamond and Related Materials 6(2-4) 207 - 211. "M Donnellan, D R McKenzie and P W French", (1997) ""Effects of exposure to electromagnetic radiation at 835 MHz on growth, morphology and secretory characteristics of a mast cell analogue, RBL-2H3"", Cell Biology International 21 (7) 427 - 439. "M J Paterson, D G McCulloch, P J K Paterson and B Ben-Nissan", (1997) "The morphology and structure of sol-gel derived zirconia films on stainless steel", "Proceedings of the 4th Vacuum Society of Australia Congress, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, 24-26 November, 1997." . M Lenzen, (1997) "International equity and global warming", "International Academic Conference on Environmental Justice, University of Melbourne, 1-3 October 1997" . M Lenzen, (1997) "Individual responsibility and climate change", Environmental Justice Conference . M Lenzen and H J Neugebauer, (1997) "An automatic radon sensor for borehole measurements", Review of Scientific Instruments 68 (7) 2898 - 2903. M Lenzen and R E Collins, (1997) "Long-term field tests of vacuum glazing", Solar Energy 61(1) Nov-15. N A Marks, (1997) "Evidence for subpicosecond thermal spikes in the formation of tetrahedral amorphous carbon", Physical Review B - Condensed Matter 56 (5) 2441 - 2446. N Ng and R E Collins, (1997) "Report on calibration of simplified transient technique for measuring the thermal conductance of vacuum glazing", "Report for Nippon Sheet Glass, Japan (Meeting August 1997)" . "P Guan, D R McKenzie and B A Pailthorpe", (1997) "Patterns of energy dissipation in 3D fcc lattices after ion impact", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 9(23) 5015 - 5026. "P W French, D R McKenzie and M Donnellan", (1997) "Cellular Effects of Exposure to 835 MHz Electromagnetic Fields", PERMIT ï97 . "P W French, M Donnellan and D R McKenzie", (1997) "Electromagnetic radiation at 835 MHz changes the morphology and inhibits proliferation of a human astrocytoma cell line", Bioelectrochemistry and Biophysics 43(1) 13 - 18. "PB Lukins, PF Greenwood and GD Willett", (1997) "Laser-ablation fourier - transform mass spectrometry of films based on amorphous hydrogenated carbon", Thin Solid Films . QC Zhang, (1997) "Commercial production of advanced solar collector tubes", Report on trip to China: April - May 1997 . Q-C Zhang, (1997) "DC magnetron sputtered W-AlN cermet selective surfaces", Journal of Applied Physics 15(6) 2842 - 2846. Q-C Zhang, (1997) "Direct current magnetron sputtered W-AlN cermet solar absorber films", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 15(6) 2842 - 2846. "Q-C Zhang, TM Simko, CJ Dey, RE Collins, GM Turner, M Brunotte and A Gombert", (1997) "The measurement and calculation of radiative heat transfer between uncoated and doped tin oxide coated glass surfaces", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 40(1) 61 - 71. R E Collins, (1997) "Final Repoprt on Heat Transfer Through Vacuum Glazing", ERDC Project Number 2323 . R E Collins, (1997) "Report to Nippon Sheet Glass Co Ltd - Collaborative Research - August 1997", Report to Nippon Sheet Glass (Meeting August 1997) . R E Collins, (1997) "Report on visit to Nippon Sheet Glass - August 1997", Report on visit to Nippon Sheet Glass - August 1997 . R E Collins, (1997) "The nature of light", Light Ch 1 Jan-19. R E Collins, (1997) "Light - particles or waves?", Light Ch 2 21 - 31. R E Collins, (1997) ""Report on Trip to Nippon Sheet Glass, 27-28 November 1997"", . R E Collins and M Lenzen, (1997) "Design considerations for an evacuation cup with differential pumping", "Report for Nippon Sheet Glass, Japan, sent 24.9.97" . "R E Collins, J-Z Tang and M Lenzen", (1997) "Single step manufacture of vacuum glazing", "Paper for Nippon Sheet Glass, Japan (Meeting August 1997)" . "R E Collins, M Lenzen, J-Z Tang, N Ng and P Ireland", (1997) ""Report to Nippon Sheet Glass Co Ltd, Collaborative Research, November 1997"", Report to Nippon Sheet Glass . RE Collins, (1997) "Vacuum Glazing", "International Energy Agency Solar Heating and Cooling Program, Task 18 Advanced Glazing Mateirals, Japanese Industry Workshop Program" . RE Collins, (1997) ""Report to Nippon Sheet Glass Co Ltd - Collaborative Research, March 1997"", "Report to Nippon Sheet Glass Co Ltd - Collaborative Research, March 1997" . RE Collins, (1997) "Design consideraitons for vacuum glazing with very thin glass", "Report for Nippon Sheet Glass, May 1997" . RE Collins, (1997) "Report on overseas trip - April/May 1997", Trip Report . RE Collins, (1997) "Specification of critical dimensions for the pillar array in vacuum glazing: theoretical considerations and experimental data", "Report to Nippon Sheet Glass, 2 September 1997" . RE Collins and M Lenzen, (1997) "Method of improving the effectiveness of the evacuation process for vacuum glazing", "Report to Nippon Sheet Glass, 12.9.97" . "RE Collins, TM Simko, C Wilson, J-Z Tang, HAL van Dijk, GP van der Linden, H Oversloot, H Elmahady, D Arasteh and n others", (1997) "Advanced glazing and associated materials for solar and building applications", Final Report of Project B5: Evacuated Glazing - IEA Tas 18 . S Bosi, (1997) "Report on Solar Desalination", Jan-13. S Lam, (1997) "Patterning and characteristics of YBCO thin film submicron bridges", "6th International Superconductive Electronics Conference, 1997" 2 109 - 111. "V Chirita, B A Pailthorpe and R E Collins", (1997) "Non-equilibrium energy and momentum accommodation coefficients of Ar atoms scattered from Ni(001) in the thermal regime: A molecular dynamics study", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 129 465 - 473. "V Chirita, BA Pailthorpe and RE Collins", (1997) "Gas-surface interaction in the thermal and sub-thermal regime - a molecular dynamics study", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 124(1) Dec-22. V Maeder, (1997) "Coating vacuum glazing pillars with aluminium", "Technical report of the work experience at the Department of Applied Physics, October 1996 to March 1997" . 1996A Durandet and DR McKenzie, (1996) "Effect of ion energy on the optical and structural properties of SiO2 grown by plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition", Journal of Applied Physics 80(8) 4707 - 4714. "AR Merchant, DG McCulloch, DR McKenzie, Y Yin and E Gerstner", (1996) "Structural investigation of two carbon nitride solids produced by cathodic arc deposition and nitrogen implantation", Journal of Applied Physics 79 6914 - 6919. BA Pailthorpe, (1996) ""Transforming the way we work, learn and play"", The Horizons of Science Forum . D R Mills and D Holm, (1996) "Proactive project development using ISES expertise and infrastructure", Proceedings of High Level Experts Meeting on Solar Energy in East and South-East Asia PL-II-2 34 - 38. D R McKenzie, (1996) "Tetrahedral bonding in amorphous carbon", Reports on Progress in Physics 59(12) 1611 - 1664. D R McKenzie, (1996) "Design and test of the system for coatings on 1/3 meter wide plastics", . D R McKenzie and Y Yin, (1996) "Department of Defence Hard Carbon Project - Phase 3B - Final Report", . "D R McKenzie, NA Marks, P Guan, BA Pailthorpe, WD McFall and Y Yin", (1996) "Energetic Condensation as a Means of Inducing the Growth of Films Containing High Pressure Phases", Surface Science; Principles and Current Applications 3 250 - 261. "D R McKenzie, WD McFall, H Smith, RW Boswell, BW James and IS Falconer", (1996) "New developments in ion plating processes for cubic boron nitride synthesis", "First Australian-USA Workshop on Critical Issues in High Performance Wear Resistant Films, Wollongong, February 1-3, 1995" 81(1) 72 - 78. "D R McKenzie, WD McFall, HH Nguyen and Y Yin", (1996) "Production of dense and oriented structures including titanium nitride by energetic condensation from plasmas", Surface Science 358 954 - 960. "D R McKenzie, WD McFall, S Reisch, BW James, IS Falconer, RW Boswell, H Persing, AJ Perry and A Durandet", (1996) "Synthesis of Cubic Boron Nitride Thin Films", Surface and Coatings Technology 78(1-3) 255 - 262. "D R McKenzie, WD McFall, WG Sainty, Y Yin and A Durandet", (1996) "New Technology for PACVD", Surface and Coatings Technology 82 326 - 333. "D R McKenzie, Y Yin, W D McFall and N H Hoang", (1996) "The orientation dependence of elastic strain energy in cubic crystals and its application to preferred orientation in titanium nitride thin films", Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter 8 5883 - 5890. D R Mills, (1996) "Advanced solar thermal electricity systems", Science TeachersÍ Association of Victoria and Australian Institute of Physics 1996 Physics TeachersÍ Conference 46 - 58. D R Mills, (1996) ""Report on Trip to Japan and Korea, 22 July - 1 August 1996"", Trip Report . D R Mills, (1996) "1995 ISES Congress and South African Visit", Trip Report . D R Mills, (1996) "Full circle: the resurgence of the solar economy", Royal Society of New South Wales 129 45 - 68. D R Mills and A Monger, (1996) "Retrofit solar house project report - October 1996", "Report to Pacific Power, Sciencne Foundation for Physics, Prince Nawaf" . D R Mills and G L Morrison, (1996) "Progress with compact linear fresnel reflector powerplant development", Solar ï96 Energy for Life - Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society Annual Conference 668 - 675. DR Mills, (1996) "Renewable energy systems as greenhouse gas reduction options", Proceedings of Greenhouse 95 Conference . DR Mills and A Monger, (1996) "Retrofit solar house project report - April 1996", Department Report . E G Gerstner and D R McKenzie, (1996) "Quantitative implantation profile measurement using x-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy", . E G Gerstner and D R McKenzie, (1996) "Measurement of coefficient of static friction and roughness of Australian banknotes", . "E G Gerstner, P B Lukins and D R McKenzie", (1996) "Substrate bias effects on the structural and electronic properties of tetrahedral amorphous carbon", Physical Review B 54(20) 14504 - 14510. "H-H Nguyen, DR McKenzie, WD McFall and Y Yin", (1996) "Properties of TiN films deposited at low temperature in a new plasma-based deposition system", Journal of Applied Physics 80(11) 6279 - 6285. J Schmidli, (1996) "Development of ageing equipment for vacuum glazing", Department Report - Technical report of the work experience at Departmentof Applied Physics . J-Z Tang, (1996) ""Report for Overseas Trip to Taipei, Japan and China, July-August 1996"", Trip Repoprt . "LE Hall, DR McKenzie, AM Vassallo, M Attalla and RL Davis", (1996) "Neutron diffraction determination of the structure of the hydrofullerenes C60H36 and C60D36", The Third Australian Fullerenes Symposium . "LE Hall, DR McKenzie, M Attalla, AM Vassallo and RL Davis", (1996) "Neutron diffraction determination of the structure of the hydrofullerenes C60H36 and C60D36", The Third Australian Fullerenes Symposium Dec-13. "M Chhowalla, Y Yin, GAJ Amaratunga, DR McKenzie and Th Frauenheim", (1996) "Highly tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) films with low stress", Applied Physics Letters 69(16) 23344 - 2346. M Lenzen and C J Dey, (1996) "Do we really care about climate change?", Search 27(9) 277 - 280. M Lenzen and H J Neugebauer, (1996) "A theoretical investigation in the Lucas cell", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 368 479 - 483. "M M M Bilek, D R McKenzie, Y Yin, M Chhowalla and W I Milne", (1996) "Interactions of the directed plasma from a cathodic arc with electrodes and magnetic fields", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 24 (5) 1291 - 1298. "MCJ Large, DR McKenzie and MI Large", (1996) "Incoherent reflection processes: a discrete approach", Optics Communications 128 307 - 314. "MMM Bilek, Y Yin and DR McKenzie", (1996) "A study of filter transport mechanisms in filtered cathodic vacuum arcs", IEEE Transactions of Plasma Science 24 1165 - 1173. "N A Marks, D R McKenzie, B A Pailthorpe, M Bernasconi and M Parrinello", (1996) "Microscopic structure of tetrahedral amorphous carbon", Physical Review Letters 76(5) 768 - 771. "N A Marks, D R McKenzie, B A Pailthorpe, M Bernasconi and M Parrinello", (1996) "Ab initio simulations of tetrahedral amorphous carbon", Physical Review B 54 9703 - 9714. "NA Marks, DR McKenzie and BA Pailthorpe", (1996) "Molecular dynamics study of compressive stress generation", Physical Review B Condensed Matter 53(7) 4117 - 4124. "P Guan, D R McKenzie and B A Pailthorpe", (1996) "Compressive stress generation in thin films studied by molecular dynamics", Physical Review B - CANCEL - NOT PUBLISHED . "P Guan, DR McKenzie and BA Pailthorpe", (1996) "MD simulations of Ag film growth on Cu(001) substrate", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 8 8753 - 8762. Q C Zhang, (1996) "Solar thermal electric power - technology and new development", Invited oral presentation at China/Japan Workshop on Asia Sustainable Development . Q-C Zhang, (1996) "Cooperative research and development of high-temperature solar heat collection tubes by using a commercial coater", Report on China Trip in November 1995-January 1996 . Q-C Zhang, (1996) "Commercialisation of new solar sputtering coatings for solar thermal electricity power application", Report on China Trip in September-October 1996 . "Q-C Zhang, Y Yin and DR Mills", (1996) "High Efficiency Mo-Al2O3 Cermet Selective Surfaces for High-temperature Application", Solar Energy 40 43 - 53. R E Collins, (1996) ""Report to Nippon Sheet Glass Co Ltd on Collaborative Research, November 1996"", Departmental Report . "R E Collins, M Lenzen, G M Turner and J-Z Tang", (1996) "Preliminary report on ageing of vacuum glazing", Departmental Report . S Khanna and RE Collins, (1996) "Apparatus for measuring thermal conductance of vacuum glazing", Department Report . T Simko, (1996) ""Trip report - 20 September to 24 October 1996, IEA Task 18; Milestone Report for ERDC 2323 Project, September 1996; Sustainable solar buildings: the optimisation of solar energy use in larger buildings"", "Trip Report, ERDC Milestone 2323, IEA Task 18 report" . "WD McFall, DR McKenzie and RP Netterfield", (1996) "Use of in-situ ellipsometry to observe phase transitions during boron nitride thin film depositions", Surface and Coatings Technology 81 72 - 78. Y Yin and D R McKenzie, (1996) "Electric field control of plasma and macroparticles in cathodic arc deposition as a practical alternative to magnetic fields in ducts", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 14 3059 - 3064. Y Yin and DR McKenzie, (1996) "A theory for the formation of tetrahedral amorphous carbon including deposition rate effects", Thin Solid Films 280 95 - 100. "Y Yin, D R McKenzie and W D McFall", (1996) "Cathodic arc deposition of solar thermal selective surfaces", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 44 69 - 78. "Y Yin, DR McKenzie, J Zou and A Das", (1996) "The application of the cathodic arc to plasma CVD deposition of carbon", Journal of Applied Physics 79(3) 1563 - 1568. "Y Yin, J Zou and D R McKenzie", (1996) "Observations of preferred orientation in carbon films", Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Electron Microscopy 141 - 142. "Y Yin, J Zou and DR McKenzie", (1996) "Preferred orientation in carbon films induced by energetic condensation", NIM B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 119 587 - 590. 1995A Durandet and DR McKenzie, (1995) "Effect of ion energy on the optical and structural properties of SiO2 grown by plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition", Proceedings of the 3rd Vacuum Society of Australia Congress 1 119 - 121. "A Durandet, R Boswell and DR McKenzie", (1995) "A new plasma-assisted deposition technique using helicon activated reactive evaporation", Review of Scientific Instruments 66(4) 2908 - 2913. AC Fischer-Cripps and RE Collins , (1995) "Architectural glazings: Design standards and failure models", Building and Environment 30(1) 29 - 40. "AC Fischer-Cripps, RE Collins, GM Turner and E Bezzel", (1995) "Stresses and Fracture Probability in Evacuated Glazing", Building and Environment 30(1) 41 - 59. "AR Merchant, DG McCulloch, DR McKenzie, Y Yin and E Gerstner", (1995) "Structural investigation of two carbon nitride solids produced by cathodic arc deposition and nitrogen implantation", Proceedings of The 3rd Vacuum Society of Australia Congress 1 136 - 138. "B Jenkins, DR McKenzie, CP Foley, DJH Cockayne and GB Smith", (1995) "A comparative study of vacuum arc and laser ablation as deposition processes for YBCO - CANCELLED", Journal of Applied Physics- CANCELLED . "C Latimer, DR McKenzie, S Smith, E Gerstner and R Buckingham", (1995) "Physical and psychophysical measures of the distinctiveness of Australian banknotes", "Proceedings of the 3rd Conference, Australasian Cognitive Science Society " 77 - 77. D Jeker, (1995) "The pillar production for vacuum glazing technology", "Technical report of work experience at the Department of Applied Physics, University of Sydney" . D Peterson and M Serrano, (1995) "Permeability and lattice structure of aluminium nitride coatings on polymer substrates", Talented Students Program - Internal Report . "D R McKenzie, WD McFall, H Smith, B Higgins, RW Boswell, A Durandet, BW James and IS Falconer", (1995) "New developments in ion plating processes for cubic boron nitride synthesis", "Presented at IBMM ï95 Ninth International Conference (Ion Beam Modification of Materials), Canberra" . "D R McKenzie, WD McFall, H Smith, B Higgins, RW Boswell, BJ James and IS Falconer", (1995) "High pressure phases produced by low energy ion implantation with reference to cubic boron nitride", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 106(1-4) 90 - 95. D R McKenzie, (1995) "New technology for PACVD and ion plating", "ICMCTF-95, San Diego, USA - DELETE" . D R McKenzie, (1995) "Production of dense and oriented structures by energetic condensation from plasmas", "Proceedings of the 13th International Vacuum Congress, 9th International Conference on Solid Surfaces" 38 393 - 393. D R McKenzie, (1995) "High pressure phases by low energy ion implantation", Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials 06.004 - 06.004. D R McKenzie, (1995) "Random optical media in fish", Australian Optical Society News 9(1) Dec-13. D R McKenzie, (1995) "Investigation of Rectangular Arc Source and Optimisation of Hard Carbon Coatings", "Report 6 - Department of Defence, Phase III" . D R McKenzie, (1995) ""Hard Carbon Project - Phase 3B, Report No. 7"", "Department of Defence, CAPO No. 022582N (Ammendment No. 2)" . D R McKenzie and PJ Martin, (1995) "Vacuum Arc Deposition", "Chapter 6.1 in Vacuum Arc Science and Technology, Ed. Noyes Publications, CSIRO, Division of Applied Physics" . D R McKenzie and PJ Martin, (1995) "Film Growth ", "Chapter 6.4 in Vacuum Arc Science and Technology, Ed. Noyes Publications, CSIRO, Division of Applied Physics" 467 - 489. "D R McKenzie, H Okamoto, S Nomura, D Kraungam and Y Hamakawa", (1995) "Studies of Electron Transport in a-Si1-xCx:H Transient and Steady State Photoconductivitiy", Journal of Physics (Condensed Matter) - delete - not published . "D R McKenzie, WD McFall, Y Yin and HH Nguyen", (1995) "A new configuration for helicon activated reactive evaporation", "The 9th AINSE Conference on Nuclear Techniques of Analysis and The 3rd Vacuum Society of Australia Congress, 27-29 November 1995, University of Newcastle" . "D R McKenzie, Y Yin and WD McFall", (1995) "Silvery fish skin as an example of a chaotic reflector", Proceedings of The Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences 451(1943) 579 - 584. "D R McKenzie, Y Yin and WD McFall", (1995) "Why are fish silvery?", Search 26(3) 86 - 88. "DG McCulloch, DR McKenzie and S Prawer", (1995) "Compressive stress induced formation of preferred orientation in glassy carbon following high dose C+ implantation", Philosophical Magazine B 72(4) 1031 - 1041. "DG McCulloch, DR McKenzie, NA Marks and S Prawer", (1995) "Compressive stress induced formation of preferred orientation in glassy carbon following high dose C+ irradiation", Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials 07.041 - 07.041. "DG McCulloch, EG Gerstner, DR McKenzie, S Prawer and R Kalish", (1995) "Ion implantation in tetrahedral amorphous carbon", Physical Review B-Condensed Matter 52(2) 850 - 857. "DG McCulloch, NA Marks, DR McKenzie and S Prawer", (1995) "Molecular dynamics and experimental studies of preferred orientation induced by compressive stress", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 106 545 - 549. DR Mills, (1995) "Two-Stage Solar Collectors Approaching Maximal Concentration ", Solar Energy 54(1) 41 - 47. DR Mills, (1995) "Centralised electricity supply options using renewable energy", "ISES - ñIslands In The Sunî Cyprus Conference, Nicosia 7-9 July 1994" . DR Mills, (1995) "Compact solar thermal electricity power plants", "ISES - ñIslands In The Sunî Cyprus Conference, Nicosia 7-9 July 1994" . DR Mills, (1995) "Medium temperature solar cogeneration", "Solar Energy - Discard - accepted but never published, submitted around 1990" . DR Mills, (1995) "Kickstarting green energy", "ECO Magazine, Berlin" . DR Mills, (1995) "Advanced solar thermal electric systems for large scale grid emissions reduction", "International Symposium on Energy, Environment and Economics" 209 - 217. DR Mills, (1995) "Proposed solar cogeneration powerplant for 2000 Olympics", Proceedings of the International Solar Energy Society Solar World Congress ñIn Search of the Sunî . DR Mills, (1995) "Solar thermal energy", "Workshop on Solar Power Modelling and Applications - Commonwealth Science Council and International Centre for Application of Solar Energy (CASE), 9-13 October 1995, Perth Zoo Education Center" . DR Mills, (1995) "Proposed solar cogeneration powerplant for 2000 olympics", "Proceedings of the Solar ï95 Renewable Energy: the Future is Now, 33rd Annual Meeting" 465 - 473. "DR Mills, T Esbensen, O Headley, L Imre, PK Pachauri, A Patterson, G Thompson, C Spiropoulou, J Willeboordse and J Gregory", (1995) "Recommendations to the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development", Final Report on the NGO Renewable Energy Institue - International Solar Energy Society . E Gerstner, (1995) "Solar transmittance measurements of low-iron patterned glass", Pilkington . EG Gerstner and BA Pailthorpe, (1995) "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Thin Film Amorphous Diamond Growth", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 189(3) 258 - 264. "EG Gerstner, DR McKenzie, DG McCulloch, S Prawer and R Kalish", (1995) "Ion implantation in tetrahedral amorphous carbon", Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials 07.043 - 07.043. "EG Gerstner, DR McKenzie, MK Puchert, PY Timbrell and J Zou", (1995) "Adherent carbon film deposition by cathodic arc with implantation", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A13(2) 406 - 411. "GA Amaratunga, J Robertson, VS Veerasamy, WI Milne and DR McKenzie", (1995) ""Gap states, doping and bonding in tetrahedral amorphous carbon"", Diamond and Related Materials 4(5-6) 637 - 640. GM Turner, (1995) "Monte Carlo calculations of gas rarefaction in a magnetron sputtering discharge", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A-Vacuum Surfaces and Films 13(4) 2161 - 2169. "GM Turner, RE Collins, AC Fischer-Cripps and J-Z Tang", (1995) "Limits to performance of evacuated glazing", "SPIE International Symposium on Optical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy Conversion XIII, 18-22 April 1994, Freiburg, Germany" . "GM Turner, RE Collins, GR Facer and MA Sheumack", (1995) "Outgassing effects in evacuated glazing", "SPIE International Symposium on Optical Materials Technology for Energyfficiency and Solar Energy Conversion XIII, 18-22 April 1994, Freiburg, Germany" . "HH Nguyen, DR McKenzie, WD McFall and Y Yin", (1995) "Growth of titanium nitride thin films in a Helicon Activated Reactive Evaporation system", Proceedings of The 3rd Vacuum Society of Australia Congress 1 125 - 127. JD Garrison and RE Collins, (1995) "Manufacture and Cost of Vacuum Glazing", Solar Energy 55(3) 151 - 161. "LE Hall, RL Davis, DR McKenzie, AM Vassallo and MI Attalla", (1995) "Structural analysis of the hydrofullerenes C60 D36 and C60H36 by neutron and electron diffraction", Journal of Physics (Condensed Matter) CANCELLED . M Brunotte and DR Mills, (1995) "Cell area reduction in a polar-axis tracked PV/trough system using a 3D second stage", Proceedings of the International Solar Energy Society Solar World Congress ñIn Search of the Sunî . M Lenzen, (1995) "An automatic radon sensor for borehole measurements - results from the Walferdange gypsum mine", Publications du Service G_ologique du Luxembourg 17 Jan-54. "MA Oldfield, BA Pailthorpe and RC McPhedran", (1995) "Numerical kinetic theory for the classroom using molecular dynamics in two dimensions", Australian and New Zealand Physicist 32(5) 88 - 92. "MA Sheumack, DR McKenzie and Y Yin", (1995) "Cathodic arc deposition of copper-chromium thin films for use as decorative coatings", Proceedings of the International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films . "MM Golzan, DR McKenzie, DJ Miller and SJ Collocott", (1995) "Magnetic properties of tetrahedral amorphous carbon", REJECTED . "MM Golzan, DR McKenzie, DJ Miller, SJ Collocott and GAJ Amaratunga", (1995) "Magnetic and spin properties of tetrahedral amorphous carbon", Diamond and Related Materials 4(7) 912 - 916. "MM Golzan, PB Lukins, DR McKenzie, AM Vassallo and JV Hanna", (1995) "NMR evidence for strained carbon bonding in tetrahedral amorphous carbon", Chemical Physics 193(1-2) 167 - 172. "NA Marks, DR McKenzie, BA Pailthorpe, M Bernasconi and M Parrinello", (1995) "Microscopic structure of tetrahedral amorphous carbon", Proceedings of The 3rd Vacuum Society of Australia Congress 1 82 - 84. "NA Nicorovici, DR McKenzie and RC McPhedran", (1995) "Optical Resonances of Three-Phase Composites and Anomalies in Transmission", Optics Communications 117(1-2) 151 - 169. "P Guan, DR McKenzie and BA Pailthorpe", (1995) "Patterns of energy dissipation in 3D fcc lattices after ion impact", Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Ion Beam Modification of Materials 04.011 - 04.011. "P Guan, DR McKenzie and BA Pailthorpe", (1995) "Patterns of energy dissipation in 3D fcc lattices after ion impact", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 106 702 - 705. "P Guan, DR McKenzie and BA Pailthorpe", (1995) "Molecular dynamics simulation of compress stress generation in TAC film growth", Proceedings of The 3rd Vacuum Society of Australia Congress 1 143 - 145. Q-C Zhang, (1995) "Advanced solar selective absorber development", "Solar Energy in China - A High-level Expert Meeting of the World Solar Summit Process, 1995" . Q-C Zhang, (1995) "Report on China trip in April-May 1995", Trip Report . "RA Facer, K Viravong, NM Kelly, MC Lahiff, BA Miliauskas, NC Overkov, A Rodeghiero, TM Simko, G Tsoukalas and A Winch", (1995) ""Petrophysics of PHKB1 (Bunnerong No. 1) drill core (Sydney basin) - an example of integration, co-operation and a class exercise"", Preview 56 31 - 34. RE Collins, (1995) ""Report on Study Leave, Professor R E Collins, June to December 1995"", Trip Report . "RE Collins, GM Turner and J-Z Tang", (1995) "Report to Nippon Sheet Glass Co. Ltd on collaborative research", Trip Report . "RE Collins, GM Turner, AC Fischer-Cripps, J-Z Tang, TM Simko, CJ Dey, DA Clugston, Q-C Zhang and JD Garrison", (1995) "Vacuum glazing - a new component for insulating windows", Building and Environment 30(4) 459 - 492. "T M Simko, R E Collins, F A Beck and D Arasteh", (1995) "Edge conduction in vacuum glazing", Thermal VI - Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VI - Heat Transfer in Fenestration II - Principles - 10A 601 - 611. "TM Simko, RE Collins, J-Z Tang, AC Fischer-Cripps and JD Garrison", (1995) "An overview of the technology of vacuum glazing", Proceedings of the Windows Innovations 95 Conference 1 578 - 587. "WG Sainty, WD McFall, D R McKenzie and Y Yin", (1995) "Time dependent phenomena in plasma assisted CVD of rugate optical films", Applied Optics 34(25) 5659 - 5664. X Zhou and RE Collins, (1995) "Condensation in a gas-loaded thermosyphon", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 38(9) 1605 - 1617. Y Yin and DR McKenzie, (1995) "Cathodic arc deposition of thin films for solar energy conversion devices", "Proceedings of the Solar ï95 Renewable Energy: the Future is Now, 33rd Annual Meeting" 377 - 381. Y Yin and RE Collins, (1995) "Optimisation and analysis of solar selective surfaces with continuous and multilayer profiles", Journal of Applied Physics 77(12) 6485 - 6491. Y Yin and RE Collins , (1995) "Effect of the Morphology of Thin Films on the Damping of Quartz Crystal Oscillators", Thin Solid Films 257(1) 139 - 143. "Y Yin, Q-C Zhang and DR Mills", (1995) "Optimisation of Mo-Al2O3 Cermet Solar Selective Surfaces", Solar Energy - REJECTED . "ZH Wang, DR McKenzie, PJ Martin and RP Netterfield", (1995) "Spectroscopic studies of a solenoid filtered vacuum arc", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 13-Apr 2261 - 2265. 1994A Monger, (1994) "Comparison of all sky radiation models with the LBL circumsolar database", "Proceedings of Solar Solar ï94, Secrets of the Sun, 32nd Annual Conference of the Australian New Zealand Energy Society" 1 106 - 111. A Monger, (1994) "An improved all sky irradiance scanning technique using a charge coupled device video camera", "Proceedings of Solar Solar ï94, Secrets of the Sun, 32nd Annual Conference of the Australian New Zealand Energy Society" 1 112 - 117. AC Fischer-Cripps and RE Collins, (1994) "The Probability of Hertzian Fracture", Journal of Materials Science 29(8) 2216 - 2230. AC Fischer-Cripps and RE Collins, (1994) "Failure models for architectural glazings", Submitted to Journal of Structural Engineering - REJECTED . "B Jenkins, DR McKenzie, CP Foley and GJ Sloggett", (1994) "YBCO thin film deposition by cathodic arc and laser ablation", Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Institutes of Physics Eighteenth Condensed Matter Physics Meeting 69 - 69. BA Pailthorpe, (1994) "Molecular dynamics simulations of diamond and carbon clusters", Proceedings of Materials Research and Science 316 1023 - 1028. "CA Davis, DR McKenzie, Y Yin, E Kravtchinskaia, GAJ Amaratunga and VS Veerasamy", (1994) "Substitutional Nitrogen Doping of Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon", Philosophical Magazine B 69(6) 1133 - 1140. "CA Davis, VS Veerasamy, GAJ Amaratunga, WI Milne and DR McKenzie", (1994) "Properties of Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Films Deposited in a Filtered Cathodic Arc in the Presence of Hydrogen", Philosophical Magazine B 69(6) 1121 - 1131. "CA Davis, Y Yin, DR McKenzie, LE Hall, E Kravtchinskaia, V Keast, GAJ Amaratunga and VS Veerasamy", (1994) ""The structure of boron, phosphorus and nitrogen doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon deposited by cathodic arc"", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 170(1) 46 - 50. CJ Dey, (1994) "Measurement of thermal and optical properties of solar energy materials", "Proceedings of Solar ï94, Secrets of the Sun, 32nd Annual Conference of the Australian New Zealand Energy Society" 1 281 - 286. "D R McKenzie, Y Yin, NA Marks, CA Davis, BA Pailthorpe, GAJ Amaratunga and VS Veerasamy", (1994) "Hydrogen Free Amorphous Carbon Preparation and Properties", Diamond and Related Materials 3(4-6) 353 - 360. DA Clugston and RE Collins, (1994) "Pump Down of Evacuated Glazing", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 12(1) 241 - 247. DJH Cockayne and DR McKenzie, (1994) "Energy-filtered RDF analysis of amorphous and polycrystalline materials", Proceedings of Electron Microscope Society of South Africa Conference 8-Aug. DR Mills, (1994) "Renewable Energy Technology and Policy", "Proceedings of Solar Solar ï94, Secrets of the Sun, 32nd Annual Conference of the Australian New Zealand Energy Society" 2 675 - 683. "DR Mills, AG Monger and B Keepin ", (1994) "Cleaning up the grid: solar thermal electricity development in Australia", Energy Policy 22(4) 297 - 308. "DR Mills, AG Monger and GL Morrison", (1994) "Comparison of Fixed Asymmetrical and Symmetrical Reflectors for Evacuated Tube Solar Receivers", Solar Energy 53(1) 91 - 104. "G Sloggett, DR McKenzie, DJH Cockayne, GB Smith, B Jenkins, CP Foley, Y Takano, AJ Studer , JG Haub and BJ Orr", (1994) "In Situ Deposition of High Tc Materials Using Vacuum Arc Ablation with Macroparticle Filter", Physica B 194-196 2353 - 2354. "GM Turner, SM Rossnagel and JJ Cuomo", (1994) "Measured radial and angular distributions of sputtered atoms in a planar magnetron discharge", Journal of Applied Physics 75(7) 3611 - 3618. "J Blows, RE Collins and et al", (1994) "An Interesting Physics Experiment", Australian and New Zealand Physicist (Education Supplement) "Vol. 31, No. 1/2" 1-Jun. "KA Klemm, LF Johnson, WE Kosik, DR McKenzie, I Perez and M Pontelandolfo", (1994) "Hafnium Nitride Dielectric Phase Films Fabricated by Ion-Beam Sputtering", Proceedings of Materials Research Society 327 97 - 102. "KR Lester, P McCrea and BA Pailthorpe", (1994) "Computational engineering: the key to AustraliaÍs industrial future", 1st Biennial Engineering Mathematics Conference 245 - 249. KR McIntosh and DR Mills, (1994) "The thermal losses from a reverse flat-plate collector", "Proceedings of Solar ï94, Secrets of the Sun, 32nd Annual Conference of the Australian New Zealand Energy Society" 2 418 - 423. L Emerson and G Cox, (1994) "Charging Artefacts in Atomic Force Microscopy", Micron 25(3) 267 - 269. "LE Hall, DR McKenzie, AM Vassallo, RL Davis and DJH Cockayne", (1994) "Structural and electornic properties of C60H36", Proceedings of the 18th Condensed Matter Physics Meeting FM 04 - FM 04. "MK Puchert, PY Timbrell, DR McKenzie and RN Lamb", (1994) "Thickness dependent stress in sputtered carbon films", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 12(3) 727 - 732. "NA Marks, DR McKenzie and BA Pailthorpe", (1994) "Molecular dynamics study of compressive stress generation", Proceedings of the 18th Condensed Matter Physics Meeting TP 15 - TP 15. "NA Marks, DR McKenzie and BA Pailthorpe", (1994) "Molecular dynamics study of ion impact phenomena", Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 6(38) 7833 - 7846. "NA Marks, P Guan, DR McKenzie and BA Pailthorpe", (1994) "Molecular dynamics study of ion impact phenomena and compressive stress in thin films", Proceedings of Materials Research Society 317 497 - 502. "P Guan, NA Marks, DR McKenzie and BA Pailthorpe", (1994) "Molecular dynamics simulation of ion impact phenomena in 3D nickel lattice", Proceedings of the 18th Condensed Matter Physics Meeting WP 31 - WP 31. "PJ Pigram, RN Lamb, DB Hibbert and RE Collins", (1994) "Modeling of the Desorption Behaviour of Microporous Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon Films", Langmuir 10(1) 142 - 147. "Q-C Zhang, Y Yin and DR Mills", (1994) "Advanced selective surface development for high-temperature application", "Proceedings of Solar ï94, Secrets of the Sun, 32nd Annual Conference of the Australian New Zealand Energy Society" 1 275 - 280. RE Collins, (1994) ""Are we part of the problem, or part of the solution?"", "Proceedings of Solar ï94, Secrets of the Sun, 32nd Annual Conference of the Australian New Zealand Solar Energy Society" 2 740 - 745. "VS Veerasamy, GAJ Amaratunga, JS Park, WI Milne, HS Mackenzie and DR McKenzie", (1994) "Photoresponse characteristics of N type tetrahedral amorphous carbon P type Si heterojunction diodes", Applied Physics Letters 64 2297 - 2299. "WR Wiszniewski, RE Collins and BA Pailthorpe", (1994) "Mechanical light modulator fabricated on a silicon chip using SIMOX technology", Sensors and Actuators A 43(1-3) 170 - 174. "Y Yin, Q-C Zhang and DR Mills", (1994) "Analysis on Mo-Al2O3 cermet solar selective surfaces", "Proceedings of Solar ï94, Secrets of the Sun, 32nd Annual Conference of the Australian New Zealand Energy Society" 1 208 - 213. "Y Yin, RE Collins and Q-C Zhang", (1994) "Formation of Porosity in Sputtered Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon Films", Journal of Materials Science 29(22) 5794 - 5800. 1993A Fischer-Cripps and R E Collins, (1993) "A Modified Crack Growth Failure Model for Architectural Glazing", Journal of Structural Engineering - REJECTED . "B Jenkins, A Studer, DR McKenzie, DJH Cockayne and GB Smith", (1993) "Cathodic vacuum arcs as a source for thin film YBaCuO deposition", Australian and New Zealand Institutes of Physics 17th Condensed Matter Physics Meeting TP32 - TP32. C A Davis, (1993) "A Simple Model for the Formation of Compressive Stress in Thin Films", 226 30 - 34. C J Dey, (1993) "Thermal performance and applications of transparent insulation materials", "Solar ï93 - Bridging Gaps Between Research, Development and Markets - Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society, Fremantle, WA" 1 203 - 208. C J Dey, (1993) "Insulation for high temperature solar collector pipes", "Solar ï93 - Bridging Gaps Between Research, Development and Markets - Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Solar Energy Society, Fremantle, WA" 1 189 - 195. D R McKenzie, (1993) "Effects of Compressive Stress in Thin Films", "Proceedings of the Optical Interference Coating, Fifth Topical Meeting, Loew's Ventana Canyan Resort, Tucson, Arizona, SPIE Internatinal Society for Optical Eng. Society of Vacuum Coating " 369 110. D R McKenzie, (1993) "The Generation and Applications of Compressive Stress Induced by Low Energy Ion Bombardment", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 11(5) 1928 - 1935. "D R McKenzie, W D McFall, W G Sainty, C A Davis and R E Collins", (1993) "Compressive Stress Induced Formation of Cubic Boron Nitride", Diamond and Related Materials 2 970 - 976. "D R McKenzie, Y Yin, N A Marks, C A Davis, E Kravtchinskaia, B A Pailthorpe and G A J Amaratunga", (1993) "Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Properties and Applications", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 164-166 1101 - 1106. D R Mills, (1993) "Advanced Solar Thermal Electric Generation", 4 397 - 408. D R Mills, (1993) "Outlook for solar thermal technology with reference to ABARE/ESD MENSA modelling", 227 - 233. D R Mills and B Keepin , (1993) "Baseload Solar Power - Near-term Prospects for Load Following Solar Thermal Electricity", Energy Policy 21(8) 841 - 857. D R Mills and Q-C Zhang, (1993) "Short notes on double homogeneous cermet layer selective surfaces", "Proceedings of a seminar Materials for Solar Energy Conversion and Energy Efficiency, held at the University of Technology Sydney" 33 - 44. D.R. Mills and A.G. Monger, (1993) "Modelling Comparison of Advanced Solar Thermal Electric Systems", 1 63 - 68. D.R. Mills and A.G. Monger, (1993) "Retrofit Solar House Project", 1 129 - 134. "G M Turner, I S Falconer, B W James and D R McKenzie", (1993) "Interferometric Measurements of the Energy of Sputtered Copper Atoms in a Magnetron Discharge", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A-Vacuum Surfaces & Films 11(5) 2758 - 2764. "G R Atkins, Z-H Wang, D R McKenzie, M G Sceats, S B Poole and H W Simmons", (1993) "Control of Defects in Optical Fibres - a Study Using Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy", Journal of Lightwave Technology 11(11) 1793 - 1800. "G.L. Morrison, J. Di and D.R. Mills", (1993) "Solar Stove for Developed Countries", 5 491 - 496. "GAJ Amaratunga, V S Veerasamy, W I Milne, C A Davis, S R P Silva and H S MacKenzie", (1993) "Photoconductivity in Highly Tetrahedral Diamond-Like Amorphous Carbon", 63 370 - 372. "GAJ Amaratunga, V.S. Veerasamy, C.A. Davis, W.I. Milne, D.R. McKenzie, J. Yuan and M. Weiler", (1993) "Doping of Highly Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon", "Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Amorphous Semiconductors - Science and Technology, ICAS 15, Cambridge, UK, 1993" 164-166 1119 - 1122. "GM Turner, SM Rossnagel and JJ Cuomo", (1993) "Directionality of sputtered Cu atoms in a hollow cathode enhanced planar magnetron", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A-Vacuum Surfaces & Films 11(5) 2796 - 2801. "L E Hall, D R McKenzie, M I Attalla, A M Vassallo, L Davis, J Dunlop and D J H Cockayne", (1993) "The Structure of C60H36", Journal of Physical Chemistry 97 5741 - 5744. "L Hall, D R McKenzie, A M Vassallo, M Atalla, R L Davis, J Dunlop and D J H Cockayne", (1993) "Electron and X-ray diffraction studies of fullerenes", WP18 - WP18. "MM Golzan, PB Lukins, DR McKenzie, AM Vassallo and JV Hanna", (1993) "Preparation and solid-state NMR of 13C-enriched tetrahedral amorphous carbon thin films", FP10 - FP10. "MM Golzan, PB Lukins, DR McKenzie, AM Vassallo and JV Hanna", (1993) "Preparation and solid-state NMR of 13C-enriched tetrahedral amorphous carbon thin films", FP10 - FP10. "N A Marks, D R McKenzie and B A Pailthorpe", (1993) "Molecular dynamics study of compressive stress", WP62 - WP62. "P B Lukins, A M Vassallo, D R McKenzie and J V Hanna", (1993) "13C NMR and FTIR Study of Thermal Annealing of Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon", Carbon 31(4) 569 - 575. "P J Fallon, V S Veerasamy, C A Davis, J Robertson, GAJ Amaratunga and W I Milne", (1993) "Properties of Filtered Ion-Beam Deposited Diamond-like Carbon as a Function of Ion Energy", 48(7) 4777 - 4782. "P J Pigram, R N Lamb , R E Collins and B A Pailthorpe", (1993) "Gas adsorption studies of sputtered amorphous hydrogenated carbon films", Journal of Vacuum Science Technol. A 11(5) 2718 - 2724. P Soler and Z H Wang, (1993) "Optical Properties of Wavelength Shifting Panels", A3-4 482 - 490. QC Zhang, (1993) "Low thermal emittance limits of high temperature selective surfaces", . Q-C Zhang, (1993) "New low thermal emittance for solar absorbers", . Q-C Zhang and D R Mills , (1993) "Very Low Emittance Solar Selective Absorber Coatings", 2 339 - 344. R E Collins, (1993) "Transparent Evacuated Windows", "Proceedings of a seminar Materials for Solar Energy Conversion and Energy Efficiency, held at the University of Technology Sydney" 59 - 79. R E Collins, (1993) "Energy", Carbon - element of energy and life Ch 8 107 - 134. "R E Collins, C A Davis, C Dey, S J Robinson, J-Z Tang and G M Turner", (1993) "Measurement of Local Heat Flow in Flat Evacuated Glazing", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 36(10) 2553 - 2563. "R E Collins, C J Dey , A C Fischer-Cripps , G M Turner , J-Z Tang , T Simko and D A Clugston ", (1993) "Production and Properties of Evacuated Glazing", "ISES Solar World Congress, 23-27 August 1993, Budapest, Hungary " 7 355 - 360. "S Reisch, D McFall and D R McKenzie", (1993) "Light emission from processing plasmas", WP4 - WP4. "V Chirita, B A Pailthorpe and R E Collins", (1993) "Molecular Dynamics Study of Low Energy Ar Scattering by the Ni (001) Surface", Journal of Physics C: Applied Physics 26 133 - 142. "V S Veerasamy, GA J Amaratunga, C A Davis, A E Timbs, W I Milne and D R McKenzie", (1993) "n-type Doping of Highly Tetrahedral Diamond-like Amorphous Carbon", Physics of Condensed Matter 5 L169 - L174. "V S Veerasamy, G A J Amaratunga, W I Milne, P Hewitt, P J Fallon, D R McKenzie and C A Davis", (1993) "Optical and Electronic Properties of Amorphous Diamond", Diamond and Related Materials 2 782 - 787. "W Hillier, PB Lukins and T Wydrzynski", (1993) "Modification of photosystem II reactions under conditions of reduced water activity", . "W R Wiszniewski, R E Collins and B A Pailthorpe", (1993) "Mechanical light modulator fabricated on a silicon chip", "Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Yokohama, Japan" 1027 - 1030. Y Yin and R E Collins, (1993) "Carbon Molecular Sieve Films produced by DC Sputtering", Carbon 31(8) 1333 - 1336. 1992A Fischer-Cripps and R E Collins, (1992) "Stresses and Fracture Probability in Evacuated Glazing", "TI5 Proceedings of the Fifth International Meeting on Transparent Insulation, Freiburg, Germany " 53 - 56. A G Monger and D R Mills, (1992) "The Relative Importance of Various Design Parameters on Losses from an Eight Times Concentration Ratio Parabolic Trough Collector", 61 - 68. "A J Studer, D R McKenzie, D J H Cockayne, G B Smith and I G Brown", (1992) "Cathodic Arc Ablation as a New Method of High Tc Superconductor Deposition", Physica C 197 147 - 150. C A Davis and I J Donnelly, (1992) "Simulation of Ion Transport through Curved-Solenoid Macroparticle Filters", "72(5)," 1740 - 1747. "C A Davis, M K Puchert, D R McKenzie and B W James", (1992) "The Filtered Cathodic Arc as a Source of Gas Ions", . D Faiman and D R Mills, (1992) "Orientation of Stationary Axial Collectors", 49(4) 257 - 261. D J H Cockayne and D R McKenzie, (1992) "The structure of amorphous and polycrystalline materials using energy-filtered RDF analysis", "Proceedings, 50th Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America" 1190 - 1191. "D R McKenzie, C A Davis, D J H Cockayne, D A Muller and A M Vassallo", (1992) "The Structure of the C70 Molecule ", Nature 355 622 - 624. "D R McKenzie, W D McFall, W G Sainty and R E Collins", (1992) "Compressive-Stress-Induced Formation of Thin Film Cubic Boron Nitride", Physical Review Letters - CANCELLED . D R Mills, (1992) "Improved Prospects of Near Term Solar Thermal Electric Generation", 206 - 228. D R Mills, (1992) "Maximally Concentrating Collectors", . D R Mills and A G Monger, (1992) "Radiation Limitation on Stagnation Temperature in High Temperature Selective Absorbers", 48(5) 335 - 338. "G M Turner, I S Falconer, B W James and D R McKenzie", (1992) "Monte Carlo Calculations of the Properties of Sputtered Atoms at a Substrate Surface in a Magnetron Discharge", Journal of Vacuum Science Technology A 10(3) 455 - 461. "J F Worley III, R J French, B A Pailthorpe and B K Krueger", (1992) "Membrane surface charge does not influence conductance on calcium block of single sodium channels in planar lipid bilayers", Biophys. J. 61 1353 - 1363. "J F Worley, R J French, B A Pailthorpe and B K Krueger", (1992) "Lipid Surface Charge Does Not Influence Conductance or Calcium Block of Single Sodium Channels in Planar Bilayers", Biophys. Journal 61 1353 - 1363. "M K Puchert, C A Davis, D R McKenzie and B W James", (1992) "Gas-Plasma Interactions in a Filtered Cathodic Arc", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 10 3493 - 3498. "P H Gaskell, A Saeed, P Chieux and D R McKenzie", (1992) "Neutron scattering studies of the structure of a highly tetrahedral form of amorphous carbon", Non-Crystalline Solids 150 126 - 131. "PH Gaskell, A Saeed, P Chieux and DR McKenzie", (1992) "The structure of highly tetrahedral amorphous diamond-like carbon; I. Neutron scattering studies", Philosophical Magazine B 66 155 - 169. Q C Zhang and D R Mills, (1992) "High solar performance selective surface using bi-sublayer cermet film structures.", 27 273 - 290. QC Zhang and D R Mills, (1992) "Low Emittance Selective Surface Using Bi-Sublayer Co-A12O3 Cermet Film Structures", 69 - 76. Q-C Zhang and D R Mills, (1992) "Very Low Emittance Solar Selective Surfaces Using New Film Structures", 72(7) 3013 - 3021. QC Zhang and DR Mills, (1992) "New Cermet Film Structures with Much Improved Selectivity for Solar Thermal Applications", 60(5) 545 - 547. R E Collins, (1992) "Evacuated Glazing", "International Symposium on Optical Materials Technology for Energy Efficiency and Solar Energy.(EOS/SPIE) Conference - Toulouse, France" 18 - 22. "R E Collins, A FischerCripps and J-Z Tang", (1992) "Transparent Evacuated Insulation", Solar Energy 49(5) 333 - 350. "R E Collins, C A Davis, C Dey, A Fischer-Cripps , S J Robinson, T Simko, J-Z Tang, G M Turner and X Zhou", (1992) "Measurement of Thermal Conductance of Evacuated Glazing", "TI5 Proceedings of the Fifth International Transparent Insulation Meeting, Freiburg, Germany" 121 - 124. S O'Shea and R E Collins, (1992) "An Experimental Study of Conduction Heat Transfer in Rarefied Polyatomic Gases", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 35(12) 3431 - 3440. "S O'Shea, B A Pailthorpe, R E Collins and D N Furlong", (1992) "Gas Adsorption on Microporous Carbon Thin Films", Langmuir 8 1417 - 1424. "S R Silva, GAJ Amaratunga, C P Constantinou and D R McKenzie", (1992) "Smooth Thin Film C/Diamond Membranes with Controllable Optical Band Gaps", Diamond and Related Materials 1 612 - 618. V Chirita and BA Pailthorpe , (1992) "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Nickel (001) Surface", Thin Solid Films 208 149 - 152. "Y Yin, R E Collins and B A Pailthorpe", (1992) "Adsorption of Benzene on Porous Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon Films", Journal of Applied Physics 71(8) 3806 - 3811. 1991AG Monger and DR Mills, (1991) "Radiation limitation of stagnation temperature in high temperature selective absorbers", 2(1) 1165 - 1170. AG Monger and DR Mills, (1991) "The effect of improvements in selective surface technology on the performance of solar thermal collectors", 2 602 - 608. B A Pailthorpe, (1991) "Molecular-dynamics Simulations of Atomic Processes at the Low-temperature Diamond 111 Surface", 70 (2) 543 - 547. B A Pailthorpe, (1991) "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Thin Films Diamond Growth at Low Energies and Temperatures", . BA Pailthorpe and P Knight, (1991) "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Amorphous Diamond Growth", 223 29 - 34. "C A Davis, D R McKenzie and R C McPhedran", (1991) "Optical Properties and Microsctructure of Thin Silver Films", 85 70 - 82. "D A Muller, D R McKenzie, DJH Cockayne, C A Davis and LS Pang", (1991) "Molecular Structure and Packing of C60 by Electron Diffraction ", . D Faiman and R E Collins, (1991) "Solid Coolant Method for Investigating the Collector Efficiency Curve from Ambient to Stagnation", Solar Energy 47(5) 355 - 357. "D J H Cockayne, D R McKenzie and D A Muller", (1991) "Electron Diffraction of Amorphous Thin Films Using Peels", 2 359 - 366. "D R McKenzie, D Muller and B A Pailthorpe", (1991) "Compressive Stress Induced Formation of Thin Film Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon", Physical Review Letters 67(6) 773 - 776. "D R McKenzie, D Muller, B A Pailthorpe, Z H Wang, E Kravtchinskaia, D Segal, P B Lukins and P D Swift", (1991) "Properties of Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon Prepared by Vacuum Arc Deposition", Diamond and Related Materials 1 51 - 59. "D R McKenzie, DA Muller, D Segal, DJH Cockayne, G Amaratunga and R Silva", (1991) ""Synthesis, Structure and Applications of Amorphous Diamond"", "Presented - ICMC Conference, San Diego, USA April 1991" 206 198 - 203. "D R McKenzie, DJH Cockayne, DA Muller, M Murakawa, S Miyake, S Watanabe and P Fallon", (1991) "Electron Optical Characterisation of cubic Boron Nitride Thin Films Prepared by Reactive Ion Plating", 70 (6) 3007 - 3012. D R Mills, (1991) "2020 Vision: The Potential for Renewable Energy in Australia's Future Power Industry", . D R Mills and Q-C Zhang, (1991) "Improved Wavelength-Selective Absorbing Surfaces for Low Cost Solar Electric Power Generation", . "D.R. Mills, I.C. Onley and R. Taylor", (1991) "Portable Solar Medical Steriliser", 1(1) 27 - 30. DR Mills, (1991) "Optimal energy technology mix for atmospheric stabilisation", 1 25 - 34. "DR Mills , AG Monger and GL Morrison", (1991) "Optimisation of fixed reflector design to minimise both backup requirements and solar collector receiver area", 2(1) 1233 - 1238. "DR Mills, A G Monger and GL Morrison", (1991) "Comparison of Asymmetrical and Symmetrical Reflectors for East-West Circular Cylindrical Solar Receivers", . "DR Mills, AG Monger, GL Morrison and S Joseph", (1991) "Solar cooker with wood fuel backup", 1 158 - 168. "G Amaratunga, S R P Silva and D R McKenzie", (1991) "Influence of dc bias voltage on the refractive index and stress of carbond-diamond films deposited from a CH4/Ar rf plasma", Journal of Applied Physics 70(10) 5374 - 5379. "G B Smith, D R McKenzie, M Puchert, S W Filipczuk and D J H Cockayne", (1991) "Anomalous Voltage Current Characteristics in the Sputtering of Y Ba Cu O", 183 172 - 176. "GAJ Amaratunga, DE Segal and DR McKenzie", (1991) "Amorphous Diamond-Si Semiconductor Heterojunctions", 59 69 - 71. "P J Pigram, R N Lamb, B J Wood and R E Collins", (1991) "Structure and Surface Composition of Solar Selective Graded Stainless Steel/Carbon Cermet Films", Applied Physics A 52 145 - 150. "P Mahon, BA Pailthorpe and G B Bacskay", (1991) ""A Quantum Mechanical Calculation of Interatomic Interactions in Diamond,"", 63(6) 1419 - 1430. "PH Gaskell, A Saeed, P Chieux and DR McKenzie", (1991) "Neutron Scattering Studies of the Structure of Highly Tetrahedral Amorphous Diamond-Like Carbon", 67 1286 - 1289. Q-C Zhang and D R Mills, (1991) "New Cermet Film Structures with Excellent Solar Performance", 2 586 - 593. "Q-C Zhang, D R Mills and J C Kelly", (1991) "High Absorptance Selective Surface for High Temperature Solar Thermal Collectors", 2(1) 1171 - 1176. "Q-C. Zhang, J.C. Kelly and D.R. Mills", (1991) "Optical Reflection and Transmission Coefficients for Absorbing Multilayer Systems", . "Q-C. Zhang, J.C. Kelly and D.R. Mills", (1991) "Possible High Absorptance and Low Emittance Selective Surface for High Temperature Solar Thermal Collectors", 30(13) 1653 - 1658. R E Collins, (1991) ""Energy, in Living with the Environment."", "University of Sydney, School of Physics, Science School, Pergamon" 16 187 - 210. R E Collins, (1991) "Evacuated windows", "Windows, Lighting and Energy Efficiency Symposium, 28 June 1991" 25 - 26. R E Collins and A C Fischer-Cripps, (1991) "Design of Support Pillar Arrays in Flat Evacuated Windows", Australian Journal of Physics 44 545 - 563. "R E Collins, L Poladian, B A Pailthorpe and R C McPhedran ", (1991) "Heat Conduction Through Support Pillars in Evacuated Windows", Australian Journal of Physics 44 73 - 86. R.E. Collins and S.J. Robinson, (1991) "Evacuated Glazing", Solar Energy 47(1) 27 - 38. "RE Collins, AC Fischer-Cripps and JZ Tang", (1991) "Recent Developments in the Science and Technology of Evacuated Windows", "1991 Solar World Congress, Proceedings of the Biennial Congress of the International Solar Energy Society, Denver, Colorado, USA, 19-23 August 1991" 4 4025 - 4030. "S W Menzies, P B Lukins, G E Greeoak, M T Pailthorpe, J M Martin, S K David and K E Georgouras", (1991) "A Comparative Study of Fabric Protection Against Ultraviolet-induced Erythema Determined by Spectrophotometric and Human Skin Measurements", 8 157 - 163. X. Zhou and R.E. Collins, (1991) "Measurement of Condensation Heat Transfer in a Thermosyphon", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 34 (2) 369 - 376. Y Yin, (1991) "Adsorption Isotherm on Fractally Porous Materials", 7 216 - 217. Y Yin and R E Collins, (1991) "Gas adsorption on amorphous hydrogenated carbon films", "First Australian International Conference, Surface Engineering Practice and Prospects, 12-14 March 1991, Adelaide" . 1990B A Pailthorpe and P Mahon, (1990) "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Thin Film Diamond", 34-41 34 - 41. D Faiman and D R Mills, (1990) "Optimum Axial Collector Orientation", 153 - 160. D R Mills, (1990) "Moderate Temperature Solar Co-Generation", 259 - 266. D R Mills and A G Monger, (1990) "Radiation Limitation of Stagnation Temperature in High Temperature Selective Absorbers", 179 - 186. "D R Mills, A G Monger and G L Morrison", (1990) "Comparison of Asymmetrical and Symmetrical Reflectors for East-West Circular Cylindrical Solar Receivers", 169 - 177. D.C. Green, (1990) "Optical Constants of Sputtered WO3", 29(31) 4547 - 4549. "D.C. Green, D.R. McKenzie and P.B. Lukins", (1990) "The Microstructure of Carbon Thin Films in Properties and Preparation of Amorphous Carbon Films", Materials Science Forum 52/53 103 - 124. "D.R. McKenzie, D.C. Green, P.D. Swift, D.J.H. Cockayne, P.J. Martin, R.P. Netterfield and W.G. Sainty", (1990) "Electron Optical Techniques for Microstructural and Compositional Analysis of Thin Films", Thin Solid Films 193/194 418 - 430. "D.R. McKenzie, W.G. Sainty and D.C. Green", (1990) "The Microstructure of Boron Nitride Thin Films in Synthesis and Properties of Boron Nitride", 54/55 193 - 206. D.R. Mills, (1990) "Solar Co-Generation at Moderate Temperatures", . "DR Mills, AG Monger and A Moore", (1990) "Progress report on the Campbelltown Hospital solar steam plant", 213 - 218. "G M Turner, A Sikorski, D R McKenzie, G B Smith, K Ng and D J H Cockayne", (1990) "Spatial Variations in the Stoichiometry of Sputtered YBaCuO Thin Films: Theory and Experiment", 170 473 - 480. M C J Large and D R McKenzie, (1990) "A Model for the Optical Behaviour of Turbid Media", . P Swift, (1990) "Cathode and Anode Spot Tracks in a Close Toroidal Magnetic Field", 67(4) 1720 - 1724. P.J. Martin and D.R. McKenzie, (1990) "Ion-Beam Deposited Films by Filtered Arc Evaporation", . "Q-C Zhang, D R Mills and JC Kelly", (1990) "Use of Ge and GeO2 in High Temperature Selective Surfaces", 251 - 257. "Q-C. Zhang, J.C. Kelly and D.R. Mills", (1990) "Optical Studies of Germanium Implanted with High Dose Oxygen", 68(9) 4788 - 4794. R E Collins, (1990) "Evacuated Windows - A New Component for Low Energy Buildings", Minerals and Energy Portfolio Magazine . R E Collins, (1990) "Developments in evacuated glass", "Proceedings of Energy Efficiency and Quality Office Environment Conference, Solar Architecture Research Unit and Energy Research, Development and Information Centre, University of New South Wales" 63 - 63. "R. Schmid, R.E. Collins and B.A. Pailthorpe", (1990) "Heat Transport in Dewar-Type Evacuated Tubular Collectors", Solar Energy 45(5) 291 - 300. S.B. White and D.R. McKenzie, (1990) "An Electron Diffraction Study of Amorphous Hydrogenated Germanium-Carbon Thin Films", 68(7) 3194 - 3197. "Z.H. Wang, P.D. Swift, A.J. Studer, D.R. McKenzie, B.W. James and I.S. Falconer", (1990) "Light Emission from a Titanium Vaccum Arc using Fizeau Interferometry with Parallel Detection", 29(34) 5145 - 5150. 1989A G Monger and D R Mills, (1989) "Single Conduit Passive Downward Heat Transport for Industrial and Domestic Solar Steam Systems", . A.G. Monger and D.R. Mills, (1989) "Single Conduit Passive Downward Heat Transport for Industrial and Domestic Solar Steam Systems", . AG Monger and DR Mills, (1989) "Passive downward heat transport", . D.R. Mills, (1989) "Simple Solar Steam Technology and its Implications for Developing Countries", . "D.R. Mills, P.J. Walker, B. Mukherjee, G. Morrison and A. Moore", (1989) "Solar Industrial Process Steam Demonstration Plant", . "D.R. Mills, V. Chirita and B. Mukherjee", (1989) "Solar Steam for Village Applications", . G.B. Smith and D.R. McKenzie, (1989) "Optical Properties of Chemically Ordered a-Si1-xCx:H Alloys", 65(4) 1694 - 1698. "G.B. Smith, D.R. McKenzie and P.J. Martin", (1989) "An XPS Study of Chemical Order in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon-Carbon Alloy Films", 152 475 - 480. "G.J. Auchterlonie, D.R. McKenzie and D.J.H. Cockayne", (1989) "Using ELNES with Parallel EELS for Differentiating Between a-Si:X Thin Films", 31 217 - 222. "G.M. Turner, I.S. Falconer, B.W. James and D.R. McKenzie", (1989) "Monte Carlo Calculation of the Thermalization of Atoms Sputtered from the Cathode of a Sputtering Discharge", 65(9) 3671 - 3679. Harding G.L. and Ritchie I.T., (1989) "Sputtered Metal Carbide and Metal Silicide Selective Absorbing Surfaces", Thin Solid Films 57:315-20:1989 . K-H MÙller and AJ Pauza, (1989) "Intergranular AC loss in high-temperature superconductors", Physica C 161 319 - 324. "M Gajdardziska-Josifovsaka, R.C. McPhedran, D.J.H Cockayne, D.R. McKenzie and R.E. Collins", (1989) "Silver-Magnesium Fluoride Cermet Films: I. Preparation and Microstructure", Applied Optics 28(14) 2736 - 2743. "M Gajdardziska-Josifovsaka, R.C. McPhedran, D.R. McKenzie and R.E. Collins", (1989) "Silver-Magnesium Fluoride Cermet Films: II. Optical and Electrical Properties", Applied Optics 28 2744 - 2753. "M.R. Lake, G.B. Smith, D.R. McKenzie and A.S. Dzurak", (1989) "Properties of Powders Deposited by Silane/Hydrogen and Silane/Methane Plasma", 109 318 - 326. "P.D. Swift, D.R. McKenzie, I.S. Falconer and P.J. Martin", (1989) "Cathode Spot Phenomena in Titanium Vacuum Arcs", 66 505 - 512. "R. P. Netterfield, P. J. Martin, C. G. Pacey, W. G. Sainty, D. R. McKenzie and G. Auchterlonie", (1989) "Ion-Assisted Deposition of Mixed TiO2-SiO2 Films", 66(4) 1805 - 1809. "S. O'Shea, R.E. Collins and B.A. Pailthorpe", (1989) "Development of Evacuated Tubular Collectors with Overtemperature Protection", "ISES Solar World Congress, Kobe, Japan" . S.B. White, (1989) "Evolution of a Cary Specular Reflectance Accessory for the Measurement of Optical Constants of Thin Films", American Laboratory 21(4A) 38. S.J. Robinson and R.E. Collins, (1989) "Evacuated Windows - Theory and Practice", "ISES Solar World Congress, Kobe, Japan" . "SD Berger, J Bruley, LM Brown and DR McKenzie", (1989) "Applications of the near-edge and low-loss fine structure in the analysis of diamond", Ultramicroscopy 28 43 - 46. X. Zhou and R.E. Collins, (1989) "Condensation Heat Transfer in Gassy Heat Pipes", "Proceedings of 4th Australasian Conference of Heat and Mass Transfer, Christchurch" . "Z.Y. Li, R.N. Lamb, W. Allison and R.F. Willis", (1989) "Potassium and Hydrogen Coadsorption on A Stepped Tungsten (100) Surface", 21(4A) 38. 1988"D.R. McKenzie, G.B. Smith and Z.Q. 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Grunze, (1988) "Adhesion of Vapour Phase Deposited Ultra-Thin Polyimide Films on Polycrystalline Silver", 204 183 - 212. "R.P. Netterfield, K.J. MÙller, D.R. McKenzie, M.J. Goonan and P.J. Martin", (1988) "Growth Dynamics of Aluminum Nitride and Aluminum Oxide Thin-Films Synthesized by Ion-Assisted Deposition", 63 760. S.B. White and D.R. McKenzie, (1988) "Optical Constants of Amorphous Hydrogenated Germanium Thin Films", Applied Optics 27 3344 - 3350. "S.D. Berger, D.R. McKenzie and P.J. Martin", (1988) "EELs Analysis of Vacuum Arc Deposited Diamond-Like Films", 57 285 - 290. "W.G. Sainty, P.J. Martin, R.P. Netterfield, D.R. McKenzie, D.J.H. Cockayne and D.M Dwarte", (1988) "The Structure and Properties of Ion Beam Synthesized Boron Nitride Films", 64(8) 3980 - 3986. Z R Wang and D R McKenzie, (1988) "The Use of a Optical Multichannel Analyser in Spectrophotometry", 27 4960 - 4963. "Z.Q. Liu, D.R. McKenzie, D.J.H. Cockayne and D.M. Dwarte", (1988) "Electron Diffraction Study of the Structure of Boron- and Phosphorus-Doped Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon", 57 753 - 761. 1987"B.A. Pailthorpe, R.E. Collins and S. O'Shea", (1987) "Temperature Limitation in Evacuated Solar Collector Tubes", Australian Journal of Physics 40 643 - 658. "B.A. Pailthorpe, R.E. Collins and S. O'Shea", (1987) "Temperature Limitation in Evacuated Solar Collector Tubes", Solar Energy 39 (1) 73 - 75. "D.R. McKenzie, D.J.H. Cockayne, D.M. Dwarte and P.S. Turner", (1987) "The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Structure of Methane-Based Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon", . "D.R. McKenzie, D.J.H. Cockayne, M.G. Sceats, P.J. Martin, W.G. Sainty and R.P. Netterfield", (1987) "Microstructure of Zirconia Films Deposited with Ion Assistance", 22 3725 - 3731. "D.R. McKenzie, P.J. Martin, S.B. White, Z. Liu, W.G. Sainty, D.J.H. Cockayne and D.M. Dwarte", (1987) "Electron Diffraction Study of the Structure of Amorphous Carbon Films", "Journal de Physique : Proc. F-MRS Strasbourg; Les Editions de Physique, Paris" 17 203 - 206. D.R. Mills, (1987) "High Temperature Steam Solar Cooker with Storage", . D.R. Mills and A. Moore, (1987) "Campbelltown Hospital Solar Steam Project", . D.R. Mills and Yin Qiu Mao , (1987) "Versatile Solar Cooking Stove with Thermal Storage", 11(2) 44 - 49. "P.J. Martin, D.R. McKenzie, R.P. Netterfield, P. Swift, S.W. Filipczuk, K.H. MÙller, C.G. Pacey and B.W. James", (1987) "Characterisitics of Ti Arc Evaporation Processes", 153 91 - 102. "P.J. Martin, R.P. Netterfield, D.R. McKenzie, I.S. Falconer, C.G. Pacey, P. Tomas and W.G. Sainty", (1987) "Characterization of a Ti Vacuum Arc and the Structure of Deposited Ti and TiN Films", Journal of Vacuum Science Technology A5(10) 22 - 28. "P.J. Martin, W.G. Sainty, R.P. Netterfield, D.R. McKenzie, D.J.H. Cockayne, S.H. Rieg, R. Wood and M.G. Craighead", (1987) "The Influence of Ion-Assistance on Optical Properties of MgF2", Applied Optics 26 1235 - 1239. "R.E. Collins, B.A. Pailthorpe and S. O'Shea", (1987) ""Reduction of Stagnation Temperatures in Evacuated Tubular Collectors,"", "ISES Solar World Congress, Hamburg, W Germany" . "S. O'Shea, D N Furlong, B A Pailthorpe and R E Collins", (1987) "Gas Adsorption Phenomena in Evacuated Tubular Solar Collectors", Adsorption Science and Technology 4(4) 275 - 279. S.B. White and D.R. McKenzie, (1987) "Accuracy of Optical Data Derived From Electron Energy Loss Spectra by Kramers-Kronig Analysis", 43 53 - 59. 1986Ball L.T. Falconer I.S. McKenzie D.R. Smelt J.M., (1986) "An Interferometric Investigation of the Thermalization of Copper Atoms in a Magnetron Sputtering Discharge", J. Appl. Phys. 59:720:1986 . Chow S.P. Harding G.L. 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Harding G.L., (1984) "Cathode Cooling Apparatus for a Planar Magnetron Sputtering System", J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A2(3):1391-93:1984 . McKenzie D.R., (1984) "DC Magnetron Production of Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells", J. Appl. Phys. 56(8):2356-61:1984 . McPhedran R.C. Botten L.C. et al., (1984) "Unambiguous Determination of Optical Constants of Absorbing Films by Reflectance and Transmittance Measurements", Appl. Opts. 23:1197:1984 . McPhedran R.C. Botten L.C. Mckenzie D.R. Netterfield R.P., (1984) "Unambigous Determination of Optical Constants of Absorbing Films by Reflectance and Transmittance Measurements", App.Opts. 23:1197:1984 . Mills D.R., (1984) "Periodically Adjusted Solar Collectors for Medium Temperature Application", Paper presented to the ANZ Chapter of the ISES Annual Meeting New Zealand August 1984 . Morrison G.L. McKenzie D.R. et al., (1984) "Long-Term Performance of Evacuated Tubular Solar Water Heaters in Sydney Australia", Solar Energy 32:785-91:1984 . 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Harding G.L., (1983) "Prediction of Heat Losses by Conduction and Radiation from Total Heat Loss Data for Degraded Evacuated Collectors", Solar energy 31:433-35:1983 . Craig S. Harding G.L., (1983) "Effect of Argon Pressure on the Optical Properties of Sputtered Solar Selective Surfaces", Appl. Optics 22:583-86:1983 . Craig S. Harding G.L. Benson D., (1983) "Quantitative Electron Probe X-Ray Microanalysis of Thin Films", Thin Solid Films 100:L21-23:1983 . Craig S. Harding G.L. Payling R., (1983) "Auger Lineshape Analysis of Carbon Bonding in Sputtered Metal-Carbon Thin Films", Surface Science 124:591-601:1983 . D J Miller and D R McKenzie, (1983) "Electron Spin Resonances Study of Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon Films", 108 257 - 264. Harding G.L. Window B., (1983) "Developments in Selective Surfaces for Solar Energy Applications", Metals Forum 6:168:1983 . Inglis A.D. Dutcher J.R. Savvides N. McAlister S.P. Hurd C.M., (1983) "Electrical Conduction in Sputtered Si-Al Films", Solid State Comm. 47:555-58:1983 . Martin P.J. Netterfield R.P. Sainty W.G. McKenzie D.R. , (1983) "The Optical Properties of Thin A-Si and A-Si:H Films Produced by Ion-Beam Techniques", Thin Solid Films 100:141-7:1983 . McKenzie D.R. Botten L.C. McPhedran R.C., (1983) "Electron Diffraction Evidence for 3-fold Co-ordination in Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon Films", Phys. Rev. Lett. 51:280:1983 . McKenzie D.R. McPhedran R.C. et al., (1983) "Analysis of Films Prepared by Plasma Polymerisation of Acetylene in a DC Magnetron", Thin Solid Films 108:247:1983 . McKenzie D.R. McPhedran R.C. Savvides N. Botten L.C., (1983) "Properties and Structure of Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon Films", Phil. Mag. 48:341-64:1983 . McKenzie D.R. McPhedran R.C. Savvides N.S. Martin P.J. Botten L.C. Netterfield R.P. , (1983) "Methods of Determining Optical Constants of Thin Semiconductor Films Using Normal Incidence Reflectance and Transmittance Data", SPIE 369:110-17:1983 . McKenzie D.R. Savvides N. Botten L.C. Mills D.R. McPhedran R.C., (1983) "Optical Constants of Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon and Silicon-Carbon Films and their Application in High Temperature Solar Selective Surfaces", Solar Energy Materials 9:113-26:1983 . McKenzie D.R. Savvides N. McPhedran R.C. Botten L.C. Netterfield R.P. , (1983) "Optical Properties of A-Si and A-Si:H Prepared by DC Magnetron Techniques", J. Phys. C. : Solid State Phys. 16:4933-44:1983 . McPhedran R.C. Mackey D.W.J. McKenzie D.R. Collins R.E. , (1983) "Flow Distribution in Parallel Connected Manifolds for Evacuated Tubular Solar Collectors", Aust. J. Phys. 36:197-219:1983 . McPhedran R.C. McKenzie D.R. Phan Thien N., (1983) "Transport Properties of Two-Phase Composite Materials", Advances in the Mechanics and the Flow of Granular Materials'' Ed. M. Shahinpoor Trans Tech Rockport Ma. U.S.A. 415-82:1983 . Mills D.R., (1983) "Higher aH/eH Limits for High Temperature Selective Coatings", Proceedings of SPIE Conference San Diego California August1985 Vol.428:1983 . "N Savvides, DR McKenzie and RC McPhedran", (1983) "Trends in optical parameters and band structure with increasing hydrogenation of amorphous silicon", Solid State Communications 48(2) 189 - 193. Savvides N., (1983) "The Role of Solitons and the Kinetics of Precipitate Growth in Boron Doped Silicon-Germanium Alloys", J. Appl. Phys.54(5):2402-6:1983 . Savvides N. McKenzie D.R. McPhedran R.C., (1983) "Trends in Optical Parameters and Band Structure with Increasing Hydrogenation of Amorphous Silicon", Solid State Comm. 48:189-93:1983 . Window B. Harding G.L., (1983) "Buoyancy Effects and the Manifolding of Single Ended Absorber Tubes", Solar Energy. 31(2):153-7:1983 . 1982Alamy F.A.S. McKenzie D.R. Collins R.E. Harding G.L. Mackey D.W.J. and Onley I.C., (1982) "Performance Comparison of Flat Plate and Evacuated Tubular Collectors in Dusty Conditions in Saudi Arabia", Solar World Forum Ed. D.O. Hall and J. Morton Pergamon London. 1660:1982 . Briggs L.M. McKenzie D.R. and McPhedran R.C., (1982) "Optical Constants and Microstructure of Stainless Steel-Carbon Films Prepared by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering", Solar energy mats. 6:455-66:1982 . Collins R.E., (1982) "The Future for Evacuated Tubular Collectors", Conference Paper ISES Conference Brisbane 1982 . Craig S. Harding G.L, (1982) "Structure Optical Properties and Decomposition Kinetics of Sputtered Hydrogenated Carbon", Thin Solid Films 97:345-61:1982 . Craig S. Harding G.L., (1982) "Effects of Argon Pressure on the Structure and Properties of DC Planar-Magnetron-Sputtered Metal and SemiConductor Films with Implications for Solar Energy Applications", J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 21(3):833-37:1982 . Harding G.L., (1982) "A Sputtered Copper-Carbon Selective Absorbing Surface for Evacuated Collectors", Solar Energy Mats. 7:123-28:1982 . Harding G.L., (1982) "Degassing of Hydrogenated Metal-Carbon Selective Surfaces for Evacuated Collectors", Solar Energy Mats 7:101-11:1982 . Harding G.L., (1982) "Magnetron Sputtered Films for Solar Energy Conversion", Conference Paper Seventh International Conference on Vacuum Metallization Tokyo Japan 1982 . Harding G.L. Craig S. and Window B., (1982) "Production and Properties of Sputtered Thin Films for Solar Selective Absorbing Surfaces", Appl. Of Surface sci. 11(12):315:1982 . Harding G.L. Lake M. Craig S. Window B., (1982) "Rapid Simulated Solar Absorptance Measurements on Flat or Curved Surfaces", Solar Energy Mats. 7:129-137:1982 . Harding G.L. Moon T.T., (1982) "Evacuation and Deterioration of All-Glass Tubular Solar Thermal Collectors", Soalr Energy Mats 7:113-22:1982 . Harding G.L. Window B. Gammon R., (1982) "High Performance Evacuated Solar Energy Collectors - Design Applications and Viability", Int. J. Amb. Energy 3:171-80:1982 . Hurd C.M. McAlister S.P. et al., (1982) "Conductivity of Some Mixed-Valence Oxides below Tv", J. Applied optics 53:2161-63:1982 . McKenzie D.R. McPhedran R.C. Botten L.C. Savvides N. Netterfield R.P. , (1982) "Hydrogenated Carbon Films Produced by Sputtering in Argon/Hydrogen Mixtures", Applied Opics 21:3615-17:1982 . McKenzie D.R. McPhedran R.C. Briggs L.M., (1982) "Prediction of Reflectance of Metal Carbon Solar Absorbing Films for Their Enhancement by Annealing", Solar EnergyMats 7:75-84:1982 . McPhedran R.C. McKenzie D.R. Milton G.W., (1982) "Extraction of Structural Information from measured Transport Properties of Composites", Appl. Phys. A29:19-27:1982 . Savvides N., (1982) "Metal-Nonmetal Transitions and Localisation in Cu-SiO2 and Al-Si Sputtered Films", AIP 5th National Physics Congress A.N.U. Canberra23-27 August 1982 . Savvides N. McAlister S.P. Hurd C.M., (1982) "Electrical Resistivity of Some Niobium A15 Compounds", Solid State Comm. 41(10):735-8:1982 . Savvides N. McAlister S.P. Hurd C.M. Shiozaki I. , (1982) "Localization in the Metallica Regime of Granular Cu-SiO2 Films", Solid State Comm. 42(2):143-5:1982 . Savvides N. McKenzie D.R. McPhedran R.C. Botten L.C. Netterfield R.P., (1982) "Electrical and Optical Propeties of Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon and Carbon", AIP 5th National Physics Congress A.N.U. Canberra 23-27 August 1982 . Savvides N. Rowe D.M., (1982) "Altering the Thermal Conductivity of Phosphorus-Doped Si-Ge Alloys by the Precipitation of Dopant", J.Phys. D. 15:299-304:1982 . Wilson H.R. McKenzie D.R. and Briggs L.M., (1982) "Analysis of Graded Metal-Carbon Films Produced by Dual Cathode Sputtering", Thin Solid Films 91:123-30:1982 . Window B. Harding G.L., (1982) "Thermal Emitance of Films of Nickel and Stainless Steel", J.Optics Soc. Am. 72:1281-83:1982 . 1981Andrewartha J.R. Derrick G.H. and McPhedran R.C., (1981) "A Modal Theory Solution to Diffraction from a Grating with Semi-Circular Grooves", Optica Acta 28:1177:1981 . Bassett I.M. and Derrick G.H., (1981) "An Upper Bound on the Efficiency of a Cavity Absorber", Optica Acta 28:57-63:;1981 . Botten L.C. Craig M.S. and McPhedran R.C., (1981) "Highly Conducting Lamellar Diffraction Gratings", Optica Acata. 28(8):1103-6:1981 . Botten L.C. Craig M.S. et al., (1981) "Surface Roughening in the Quasistatic Limit for Solar Energy", Second Applied Physics Conference of the AIP RMIT Melbourne 1981 . Botten L.C. Craig M.S. McPhedran R.C. Adams J.L. and Andrewartha J.R., (1981) "The Finitely-Conducting Lamellar Diffraction Grating", Optica Acta 28(8):1187-92:1981 . Botten L.C. Craig M.S. McPhedran R.C. Adams J.L. and Andrewartha J.R., (1981) "The Dielectric Lamellar Diffraction Grating", Optica Acta 28:413-28:1981 . Collins R.E. Window B. Harding G.L. McKenzie D.R. Craig M.S. , (1981) "The University of Sydney Evacuated Tubular Collector Program", Conference Paper ISES Conference: Solar Energy at Work' Macquarie University 1981 . Craig S. and Harding G.L., (1981) "Solar Selective Properties of Rough Sputtered Copper Films", Solar Energy Mats.4:245-64:1981 . Craig S. and Harding G.L., (1981) "Effects of Argon Pressure and Substrate Temperature on the Structure and Properties of Sputtered Copper Films", J. Vac. Soc. Tech. 19(2):205-15:1981 . Craig S. and Harding G.L., (1981) "Effects of Argon Pressure on the Structure of DC Cylindrical Magnetron Sputtered Thin Copper Films", J.Vac. Sci. Tech. 19:754-55:1981 . Harding G.L., (1981) "Helium Permeation in All-Glass Tubular Evacuated Solar Energy Collectors", Solar energy Mats 5:141-47:1981 . Harding G.L. and Craig S., (1981) "Composition and Degradation of Graded Metal-Carbon Solar Selective Absorbing Surfaces", Solar Energy Mats 4:413-20:1981 . Harding G.L. and Craig S., (1981) "Effect of Metal Base Layer on the Absorptance and Emittance of Sputtered Graded Metal-Carbon Selective Absorbing Surfaces", Solar energy mats 5:149-57:1981 . Harding G.L. and Lake M.R., (1981) "Sputter Etched Metal Solar Selective Absorbing Surfaces for High Temperature Thermal Collectors", Solar Energy Mats.5:445-64:1981 . Harding G.L. and Moon T.T., (1981) "Calorimetric Measurement of Absorptance and Emittance of the University of Sydney Evacuated Collector", Solar Energy 26:281-85:1981 . Harding G.L. and Window B., (1981) "Materials Problems in Evacuated Solar Energy Collectors", La Revue de Physique Appliqud 42:C1:173-89:1981.Conference Paper International Conference on Materials for Photothermal Solar Energy Conversion Ajaccio Corsica May 1980.J. de Physique 42:C1-173:1981 . Harding G.L. and Window B., (1981) "Free Molecule Thermal Conduction in Concentric Tubular Solar Collectors", Solar energy Mats. 4:265-78:1981 . Harding G.L. and Window B., (1981) "The Thermal Emissivity of Copper", J.Opt. Soc. Am. 71:354-57:1981 . Harding G.L. and Window B., (1981) "Thermal Conduction in Evacuated Concentric Tubular Solar Energy Collectors Degraded By Low Pressure Gas", Solar Energy Mats 4:421-34:1981 . Harding G.L. Craig S. Curmi P. and Lake M., (1981) "Selective Properties of Rough Sputtered Films", Conference Paper International Conference on Materials for Photothermal Solar Energy Conversion Ajaccio Corsica May 1980.J. DE Physique 42:C1-87:1981 . Lake M. and Harding G.L., (1981) "Cylindrical Magnetron Co-Sputter Etching of Copper with Applications for Solar Selective Absorbing Surfaces", J.Vac Soc. Tech.`19(2):173-180:1981 . McKenzie D.R., (1981) "Properties of Solar Absorbing Films Produced by an In-Line Sputter Coating Plant", J.Vac. Soc. Tech. 19(2):181-84:1981 . McKenzie D.R. and Briggs L.M., (1981) "Properties of Hydrogenated Carbon Films Produced by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering", Solar Energy Mats. 6:97-106:1981 . McKenzie D.R. and Zybert J.J., (1981) "Optimisation of Solar Selectivity in Colloidally Produced Solar Selective Coatings", Thin Solid Films 85:191-5:1981 . McKenzie D.R. McPhedran R.C. and Briggs L.M., (1981) "Measuring Optical Constants of Absorbing Films for Solar Energy Conversion", Second Applied Physics Conference of the AIP RMIT Melbourne 1981 . McKenzie D.R. Window B. Harding G.L. Collins A.R. and Mackey D.W.J., (1981) "In-Line Production System for Sputter Deposition of Graded Index Solar Absorbing Films", J.Vac. Sci. Tech. 19(1):93-95:1981 . McPhedran R.C. and Milton G.W., (1981) "Bounds and Exact Theories for the Transport Properties of Inhomogeneous Media", Appl. Phys. A26:207-20:1981 . McPhedran R.C. and Perrins W.T., (1981) "Electrostatic and Optical Resonances of Cylinder Pairs", Appl. Phy. 24:311-18:1981 . Milton G.W. McPhedran R.C. and McKenzie D.R., (1981) "Transport Properties of Arrays of Intersecting Cylinders", Appl. Phy. 25:23:1981 . Walker S.J. and McKenzie D.R., (1981) "Magnetron Sputtering of Solar Coatings Inside Tubes", J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 19:700-3:1981 . Window B. and Bassett I.M., (1981) "Optical Collection Efficiencies of Tubular Solar Collectors with Specular Reflectors", Solar Energy 26:341-46:1981 . Window B. and Zybert J., (1981) "Optical Collection Efficiencies of Arrays of Tubular Collectors with Diffuse Reflectors", Solar Energy 26:325-31:1981 . Zybert J.J. and McKenzie D.R., (1981) "Colloidally Deposited High Temperature Solar Selective Surfaces", Appl. Optics. 20:4051-53:1981 . Zybert J.J. and McKenzie D.R., (1981) "Enhancement of Absorptance of Selective Coatings with Colloidal Films", Solar Energy Mats. 6:107-11:1981 . 1980Bassett I.M. and Derrick G.H., (1980) "The Collection and Dissemination of Light with the aid of Diffuse Reflectors", Optica Acta 27:215-30:1980 . Bassett I.M. and Derrick G.H., (1980) "An Upper Bound on the Efficiency of Collector of Diffuse Radiation onto Gray Absorber", Optica Acta 27:1361-66:1980 . Bliek P.J. Botten L.C. Deleulil R. McPhedran R.C. and Maystre D., (1980) "Inductive Grids in the Region of Diffraction Anomalies : Theory Experiment and Applications", I.E.E.E. Trans. M.T.T. 28:1119-25:1980 . Curmi P.M. and Harding G.L., (1980) "Surface Texturing of Copper by Sputter Etching with Applications for Solar Selective Absorbing Surfaces", J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 17:1320-25:1980 . Harding G.L., (1980) "Absorptance and Emittance of Metal Carbide Selective Surfaces Sputter Deposited onto Glass Tubes", Solar Energy Mats. 2:469-81:1980 . Horwitz C.M., (1980) "A Switching Power Supply for DC Sputtering", J.Phys. E : Sci. Instrum. 13:1021-1023:1980 . McPhedran R.C., (1980) "Electrostatic and Optical Resonances of Arrays of Cylinders", "Revised version of SR 56, 1980" . McPhedran R.C. and McKenzie D.R., (1980) "Electrostatic and Optical Resonances of Arrays of Cylinders", Appl. Phys.23:223-35:1980 . McPhedran R.C. Derrick G.H. and Botten L.C., (1980) "Theory of Crossed Gratings", Chapter 7 in Electromagnetic Theory of Gratings Ed. R. Petit Springer-Verlag Berlin 1980. . Window B. McKenzie D.R. and Harding G.L., (1980) "Selective Absorber Design", Solar Energy Mats. 2:395-401:1980 . 1979Harding G.L., (1979) "Graded Metal Carbide Solar Selective Surfaces Coated onto Glass Tubes by a Magnetron Sputtering System", J.Vac. Sci. Tech. 16:2101-4:1979 . Harding G.L., (1979) "An Alternative Grading Profile for Sputtered Solar Selective Surfaces", J. Vac. sci. Tech. 16:2111-13:1979 . Harding G.L. and Craig S., (1979) "Magnetron Sputtered Metal Carbide Solar Selective Absorbing Surfaces", J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 16:857-62:1979 . Harding G.L. Window B. Horwitz C. Collins A.R. and McKenzie D.R., (1979) "Production and Properties of Selective Surfaces Coated onto Glass Tubes by a Magnetron Sputtering System", Conference Paper ISES Atlanta Georgia USA 1979 . Harding G.L. Window B. McKenzie D.R. Horwitz C. and Collins A.R., (1979) "A Cylindrical Magnetron Sputtering System for Coating Solar Selective Surfaces onto Batches of Tubes", J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 16:2105-8:1979 . Horwitz C.M., (1979) "A Simple Calibrated Gas Feed System", Rev. Sci. Inst. 50:55-57:1979 . Horwitz C.M., (1979) "Regenerative Drive and Active Snubbing of High-Voltage Converter Transistors", Electronic Letters 1979 . McKenzie D.R., (1979) "Gold Silver Chromium and Copper Cermet Selective Surfaces", Appl. Phys. Letts. 34:25-28:1979 . McKenzieD.R., (1979) "Production of Solar Absorbing Cermet films by Dual Electrode DC Sputtering", Thin Solid Films 62:317-25:1979 . Perrins W.T. McKenzie D.R. and McPhedran R.C., (1979) "Transport Properties of Regular Arrays of Cylinders", Proc. R. Soc. A369:207-25:1979 . Perrins W.T. McPhedran R.C. and McKenzie D.R., (1979) "Optical Properties of Dense Regular Cermets with Relevance to Selective Solar Absorbers", Thin Solid Films. 57:321-26:1979 . Ritchie I.T. and Harding G.L., (1979) "Sputtered Metal Carbide and Metal Silicide Solar Absorbing Surfaces", Thin Solid Films 57:315-20:1979 . 1978Adams J.L. Botten L.C. and McPhedran R.C., (1978) "The Crossed Lamellar Transmission Grating", Optica Acta 25:481-99:1978 . Bassett I.M. and Derrick G.H., (1978) "The Collection of Diffuse Light onto an Extended Absorber", Opt. & Quant. Elect. 10:61-82:1978 . Charters W.W.S. and Window B., (1978) "Solar Collector Design and Testing", Search 9:123-29:1978 . Golomb M., (1978) "Diffraction Gratings and Solar Selective Thin film Absorbers : An Experimental Study", Thin Solid Films 27:177-80:1978 . Harding G.L., (1978) "Sputtered Metal Silicide Solar Selective Absorbing Surfaces", J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 15:65-69:1978 . Horwitz C.M., (1978) "Refractive Index Determination Using Reflectance Extrema", Appl. Opt. 17:1771-75:1978 . Horwitz C.M., (1978) "Solar Selective Globular Metal Films", J. Opt.Soc.Am.68:1032-38:1978 . Horwitz C.M., (1978) "A High Sensitivity Composite Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) Resist", Appl. Phys. Letts. 32:803-5:1978 . Horwitz C.M. McPhedran R.C. and Beunen J.A., (1978) "Interference and Diffraction in Globular Metal Films", J. Opt. Soc. Am. 68:1020-31:1978 . McKenzie D.R., (1978) "Effect of Substrate on Graphite and Other Solar Selective Surfaces", Appl. Opts.17:1884-88:1978 . McKenzie D.R., (1978) "Gold Black and Gold Cermet Absorbing Surfaces", Gold Bulletin 11:49-54:1978 . McKenzie D.R. and McPhedran R.C., (1978) "Optical Constants of Cermet Materials Including Proximity Effects", Electrical Transport and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous MediaEd. J.C. Garland and D.B.Tanner American Institute of Physics New York 283-87:1978 . McKenzie D.R. McPhedran R.C. and Derrick G.H., (1978) "The Conductivity of Lattices of Spheres II The Body Centred and Face Centred Cubic Lattices", Proc. R. Soc. A362:211-32:1978 . McPhedran R.C. and McKenzie D.R., (1978) "Exact Solutions for Transport Properties of Arrays of Spheres", Electrical Transport and Optical Properties of Inhomogenous Media.Ed. J.C. Garland and J.B. Tanner American Institute of Physics New York 294-99:1978 . Window B. Ritchie I.T. and Cathro K., (1978) "A Study of Selective Electroplated Chromium Blacks", Appl. Opt. 17:2637-44:1978 . 1977Botten L.C. and Ritchie I.T., (1977) "Improvements in the Design of Solar Selective Thin Film Absorbers", Opt. Comm. 22:421-26:1977 . Harding G.L., (1977) "Improvements in a DC Reactive Sputtering system for Coating Tubes", J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 14:1313-15:1977 . Harding G.L., (1977) "Solar Energy as a Low and Medium Heat Source", Conference Paper ANZAAS Congress Melbourne 1977 . McKenzie D.R. and McPhedran R.C., (1977) "Exact Modelling of Cubic Lattice Permittivity and Conductivity", Nature. 265:128-9:1977 . McPhedran R.C. and Maystre D., (1977) "On the Theory and Solar Application of Inductive Grids", Appl. Phys. 14:1-20:1977 . McPhedran R.C. and McKenzie D.R., (1977) "The Conductivity of a Simple Cubic Lattice of Spheres", Proc. R. Soc. A359:45-63:1977 . Ritchie I.T. and Window B., (1977) "Applications of Thin Graded-Index Films to Solar Absorbers", Applied Optics 16:1438-43:1977 . 1976Harding G.L., (1976) "Sputtered Metal Carbide Solar Selective Absorbing Surfaces", J.Vac. Sci. Tech. 13:1070-72:1976 . Harding G.L., (1976) "Evaporated Chromium Black Selective Solar Absorbers", Thin Solid Films 38:109-15:1976 . Harding G.L. McKenzie D.R. and Window B., (1976) "Sputter Coating of Solar Selective Surfaces onto Tubes", J.Vac.Sci. Tech. 13:1073-75:1976 . Harding G.L. McKenzie D.R. and Window B., (1976) "The DC Sputter Coating of Solar Selective Surfaces onto Tubes", J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 13:1073-75:1976 . McKenzie D.R., (1976) "The Selective Nature of Gold Black Deposits", J. Opt. Soc. Am. 66:249-53:1976 . 1975McKenzie D.R. Harding G.L. and Window B., (1975) "Metal Blacks as Selective Surfaces", Conference Paper ISES Los Angeles 1975 . 1974Watson-Munro C.N., (1974) "The Place of Solar Energy in World Energy Resources", Presented at Annual General Meeting of the Australian Academy of Science 1974 . 1973Horwitz C.M., (1973) "A New Solar Selective Surface", Opt. Comm. 11:210-12:1973 . Watson-Munro C.N. and Horwitz C.M., (1973) "A New Type of Selective Surface", Conference Paper International Solar Energy Society Symposium on Large Scale Solar Power 1973 . Andrewartha J.R. Derrick G.H. McPhedran R.C., () "A General Modal Theory for Reflection Gratings", Optica Acta . Bell J.M. Derrick G.H. McPhedran R.C., () "Diffraction Gratings in the Quasistatic Limit", Optica Acta . Botten L.C. Craig M.S. McPhedran R.C., () "Complex Zeros of Analytic Functions", Comp. Phys. Comm. . C F Wilson and R E Collins, () "Viscosity of glass at low temperatures", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids . D R McKenzie, () ""Report for Microsgield Industries Pty Ltd - Testing of digital telephone transceivers operating at a nominal 925 Mhz, fitted with a microshield device"", Internal Report Only . Forbes G.W. Bassett I.M., () "An Axially Symmetric Variable-Angle Collimator", Optica Acta . Harding G.L., () "High Temperature Stable Sputtered Solar Selective Surfaces", See SR 12. . Harding G.L., () "Calorimetric Measurement of Absorptances of Evacuated Collectors", See SR 58 . Harding G.L. Craig S., () "Emittance Degradation of Sputtered Metal-Carbon Solar Selective Absorbing Surfaces", Unpublished . Harding G.L. Craig S., () "Evaluation of a Simple Thermosiphoning Solar Hot Water System Incorporating Evacuated Collectors", Solar Energy . Harding G.L. Zhiqiang Y., () "Thermosiphon circulation in Solar Water Heaters Incorporating Evacuated Tubular Collectors and a Novel Water-in-Glass Manifold", Solar Energy . M Lenzen and G Treloar, () "Differential convergence of life-cycle inventories towards upstream production layers", Journal of Industrial Ecology . "M M M Bilek, D R McKenzie, Y Yin, D McCulloch, D Peterson, M Serrano, A A Gray-Weale, M P Kennett, D M Huang and 2 others", () "Cathodic arc deposited amorphous tetrahedral AlN thin films for barrier layers in packaging", . "M M M Bilek, Y Yin, D R McKenzie and W I Milne", () "Ion transport mechanisms in a filtered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA) system", Proceedings of the XVIIth International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum 962 - 966. McKenzie D.R. Botten L.C. McPhedran R.C. Savvides N. Netterfield R.P. , () "Optical Constants of DC Magnetron Sputtered Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon", Thin Solid Films see SR 151 . McKenzie D.R. Walker S.J. and Mackey D.W.J., () "Efficiency of an Evacuated Tubular Solar Collector with Internal Mirror", Unprinted . McPhedran R.C., () "A Note on Wedge Functions and Echelette Gratings", Optica Acta . McPhedran R.C., () "Transport Properties of Composites Having the CsC1 Structure", Appl. Phys. Lett. . McPhedran R.C. and Derrick G.H., () "Metallic Crossed Gratings", J. Appl. Optics . McPhedran R.C. Botten L.C. Craig M.S. Neviere M. Maystre D., () "Lossy Lamellar Gratings in the Quasistatic Limit", Optica Acta . Mills D.R. Bassett I.M. Derrick G.H., () "Relative Cost-Effectiveness of CPC Reflector Designs Suitable for Evacuated Absorber Tube Solar Collectors", Solar Energy . Mills D.R. Botten L.C., () "Lower Emissivity Limits Indicated for High Temperature Selective Surfaces", Appl. Optics . "N A Marks, D R McKenzie and B A Pailthorpe", () "Molecular Dynamics Study of Ion Impact PhenomenaCANCELLED - RESUBMITTED AS NEW SR 412", b . Onley I.C. McKenzie D.R., () "Evacuated Tubular Collector Arrays Employing Metal Manifolds for Generating Temperatures Above Boiling Point", Unpublished . "Q-C Zhang, TM Simko, CJ Dey, RE Collins, GM Turner, M Brunotte and A Gombert", () "The measurement and calculation of radiative heat transfer between uncoated and doped tin oxide coated glass surfaces", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer . Ritchie I.T., () "Graded Refractive Index Fe-C Solar Absorbing Films", Unpublished . "W T Li, D R McKenzie, W D McFall, Q C Zhang and W Wiszzniewski", () "Metal-to-metal antifuse breakdown process", Journal of Applied Physics . Zybert J.J. McKenzie D.R. and Mackey D.W.J., () "Production and Performance of Evacuated Tubular Solar Collectors with Colloidally Produced Selective Coatings", Unprinted . |