Payment Details
Please organise payment immediately after registration. (All prices
stated include GST)
Calculate total payment, i.e. registration + any additional guest activities
(Requires a Javascript compatible browser. If it doesn't work, don't worry
as the totals are confirmed on the next page.)
Registration cost (AUD$):
Guest activities cost (AUD$):
Total payment (AUD$):
N.B. All guest activities will appear on a separate personal invoice.
Payment by Department Invoice
Until May 15 2005 we are able to directly invoice conference
registration fees to your department (if required).
To use this method of payment, once you have all completed and submitted
this web registration form please email
with a full list of all members of your department to be
included on this invoice, who to make the invoice out to, and a full
postal address.
I wish to pay by Department Invoice:
If you have elected to be invoiced directly through your department but
have requested any guest places please ensure the 'other payment' section
is also completed as you must pay for guest places personally.
Other Payment
Payment can be in the form of credit card (VISA, Mastercard or Bankcard),
cheque (made payable to ASA Annual Science Meeting), or direct deposit.
Other payment method:
If you are paying by credit card, please print this form, fill in your
credit card details and fax it to "ASA Conference 2005, c/o Daniel
Mitchell" on 02 9351 7726:
Name on Card:
Card No:
Expiry date:
Type of card (e.g. Visa, Mastercard etc.):
Payment Amount:
Card holder's signature:
If you are paying by cheque, please post a cheque made out to
"ASA Annual Science Meeting" to:
ASA Conference 2005
c/o Daniel Mitchell
School of Physics
The University of Sydney
NSW 2006
If you are paying by direct deposit, please deposit the money in the
Account name: ASA Annual Science Meeting
BSB No.: 062284
Account No.: 1024 2214
and in the "comments" section of the web form used for the transfer,
include your name.
This is required so that we know where the money comes