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Final MHD equations

The induction equation is derived by eliminating E from Faraday's Law ([*]) and Ohm's Law ([*]), using ([*]), ([*]) and a vector identity:

 \begin{displaymath}\frac{\partial {\bf B}}{\partial t} = {\mbox{\boldmath$\nabla...
... \times B}) + \frac{1}{\mu_{0} \sigma} \nabla^{2} {\bf B} \, .
\end{displaymath} (3.43)

E has now been eliminated and $\rho = 0$, so Poisson's equation ([*]) does not contribute to the final set of equations. Equation ([*]) is effectively a boundary condition, since if $\nabla \cdot$ ${\bf B} =0$ initially, then taking the divergence of ([*]) implies that $\nabla \cdot$${\bf B}$ remains zero henceforth.

After making the above approximations, the final set of MHD equations are the induction equation and equations ([*]), and ([*]) with $\rho = 0$:

\begin{displaymath}\frac{\partial \eta}{\partial t} +{\mbox{\boldmath$\nabla \cdot$ }} (\eta {\bf U}) = 0 \, ,
\end{displaymath} (3.44)

\begin{displaymath}\eta \left[\frac{\partial {\bf U}} {\partial t} + ({\bf U}
... U} \right] =
- \nabla p + {\bf J \times B} + \eta {\bf g}\, .
\end{displaymath} (3.45)

We now have one scalar and two vector equations in two scalar quantities ($\eta$, p) and two vector quantities (${\bf B}$, ${\bf U}$). We thus require one more scalar equation to close the set of equations. This can either be the energy conservation equation ([*]) or, as is commonly adopted, an equation of state for the fluid; in this case the adiabatic equation of state ([*]).

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Iver Cairns