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Syracuse Computer Model.The Syracuse computer model calculates the power delivered by concentrator photovoltaic modules under different illumination and environmental conditions. One key and unique feature of the model over others is that it is integrated with a database holding experimental data, allowing quick comparison between theory and experiment. Full details are given in the following publications: The Design Specification for Syracuse; A Multi-Junction Concentrator System Computer Model Syracuse A Multi-Junction Concentrator System Computer Model The model is made up of several components:
The model will be released shortly for free, public use. What still needs to be done: The status of the Syracuse computer model varies depending on the computer platform: Mac OS X
Anyone who would like to assist with the development of Syracuse (programming or testing) can contact Ned Linux
What does it look like? The Syracuse computer model is almost ready for release. Some screen shots from the model running on Mac OS X are shown below: IV curves calculated using Syracuse. LHS shows poor agreement between theory and experiment due to an overestimate in the predicted DNI. RHS shows the same calculation with the same predicted spectral irradiance shape, but scaled to match the experimentally measured DNI - compare the DNI values for the LHS and RHS, experimental values are in brackets. Main Syracuse simulation screen. Simulation options controls the calculation and link to the experimental data held on the MySQL database. The sub-cell information panel controls the type of quantum efficiency model used (fixed, experimental from file, or calculated from absorption coefficient). Examples of QE calculated from a 3J cell are shown below: Quantum efficiency curves for an InGaP/InGaAs/Ge multi-junction solar cell calculated from the absorption coeffcient and basic semiconductor parameters. DataBrowser - Used to inspect data held in the MySQL database. |