"Complex Plasma" or "Dusty Plasma"?

Different people use different names for "Complex Plasma". Common names include "Dusty Plasma", "Plasma Crystal", "Coulomb Crystal", etc. So what is the most common name at the moment? Well, there seems to be no question in the world which the internet cannot find the answers to these days. With the help of Googlefight, I decided to experiment and look up the frequency of these names appearing on the internet.

1 - Frequency of the different names appearing on the internet

From the above chart (data obtained on 17/03/2004), it seems that "Dusty Plasma" is the most popular name our "Dusty Plasma Physicists" use. And "Complex Plasma" is not far behind either being ranked second. Of course the above test is only for demonstration purpose and should not be taken too seriously. But to test the accuracy of the above, I decided to take the step further.

2 - Frequency of ICPDP of different years appearing on the internet

3 - Frequency of the different popular journals with scientific articles related to complex plasma appearing on the internet

4 - Frequency of the different CPL members appearing on the internet

I hope everyone finds the above chart interesting (and hopefully informative)!


Felix Cheung




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