3rd Year Student Presentation & Seminar Updates

Stephen Barkby and Christopher Brunner, two of the 3rd year students who participated in special project with us this year, gave an excellent talk on Monday 1st of November. Both talks were under the topic "Coulomb Cluster Stability" where Steve is responsible for the simulation part and Chris for the experimental/analytical part. Both recieved some of the highest marks amongst the students in presentation and report. Their work will definitely get published very soon as I am currently editing the materials along with my thesis work.

Steven Barkby presenting the simulation work he did for Coulomb Cluster Stability.

Christopher Brunner was praised by the audience for his high quality presentation on the experimental analysis he performed on Coulomb Cluster Stability.

Alex couldn't wait til lunch to discuss his ideas with Professor Umberto.

On the other hand, the seventh Complex Plasma Seminar held on Monday 29th of November was also a great success with Professor Umberto de Angelis giving an interesting talk on the "Effects of charging collisions in dusty plasmas". Strong discussion and debates were generated after the presentation and during lunch.


Felix Cheung


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