Journal articles

105 Lin, J.Y., de Sterke, C. M., Wheatland, M.S., Song, A.Y., and Kuhlmey, B. All-optical damping forces enhanced by metasurfaces for stable relativistic lightsail propulsion
Accepted for Physical Review Applied 16 November 2024

104 Mackintosh, R., Lin, J.Y., Wheatland, M.S., and Kuhlmey, B.T. Relativistic damping of laser beam driven lightsails
Physical Review Applied 21 064032 (2024)
Phys Rev Applied

103 Tajik, Z., Farhang, N., Safari, H., and Wheatland, M.S., Complex network view of the Sun's magnetic patches: I. Identification
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 273 1 (2024)
ApJ Supp Ser

102 Crowley, J., Wheatland, M.S., and Yang, K. Superflare rate variability on M dwarfs
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 530 457-472 (2024)

101 Pritchard, J., Murphy, T., Heald, G., Wheatland, M.S., Kaplan, D.L., Lenc, E., O'Brien, A., and Wang, Z. Multi-epoch sampling of the radio star population with the Australian SKA Pathfinder
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 529 1258-1270 (2024)

100 Wheatland, M.S. Real-time solar coronal modelling
Nature Astronomy 7 1150-1151 (2023)
Nature Astronomy

99 Carlin J.B., Melatos, A. and Wheatland, M.S. A statistical search for a uniform trigger threshold in solar flares from individual active regions
Astrophysical Joural 948 76 (2023)
ApJ Open access

98 Crowley, J.J., Wheatland, M.S., and Yang, K.E. Observed rate variations in superflaring G-type stars
Astrophysical Journal 941193 (2022)
ApJ Open access

97 Rafat, M.Z., Dullin, H.R., Kuhlmey, B.T., Tuniz, A., Luo, Haoyuan, Roy, D., Skinner, S.,Alexander, T.J., Wheatland, M.S., and de Sterke, C. Self-stabilization of light sails by damped internal degrees of freedom
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 024016 (2022)
Phys. Rev. Applied

96 Murphy, T. and 54 co-authors including Wheatland, M.S. The ASKAP Variables and Slow Transients (VAST) Pilot Survey
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, Volume 38, article id. e054 (2021)
arXiv or PASA site

95 Wheatland, M.S., Murphy, T., Naoumenko, D., van Schijndel, D., and Katsifis, G. The mobile phone as a free-rotation laboratory
American Journal of Physics 89, 342 (2021)
AJP article
( Copyright notice)
arXiv or AJP site

94 Zic, A., Murphy, T., Lynch, C., Heald, G., Lenc, E., Kaplan, D.L., Cairns, I.H., Coward, D., Gendre, B., Johnston, H., MacGregor, M., Price, D.C., and Wheatland, M.S. A flare-type IV burst event from Proxima Centauri and implications for space weather
Astrophysical Journal 905 23 (13pp) (2020)

93 Demcsak, V.A., Wheatland, M.S., Mastrano, A., and Yang, K.E. Reconstructing highly-twisted magnetic fields
Solar Physics 295:116 (23pp) (2020)
Solar Physics
92 Gilchrist, S.A., Leka, K.D., Barnes, G., Wheatland, M.S., and DeRosa, M.L. On measuring divergence for magnetic field modeling
Astrophysical Journal 900:136 (10pp) (2020)
91 Mastrano, A., Yang, K.E., and Wheatland, M.S. Self-consistent nonlinear force-free field reconstruction from weighted boundary conditions
Solar Physics 295:97 (12pp) (2020)
Solar Physics
90 Yang, K.E., Wheatland, M.S., and Gilchrist, S.A. Relative magnetic helicity based on a periodic potential field
Astrophysical Journal 894:151 (12pp) (2020)
89 Wheatland, M.S., Cross, R.C., Ly, A. Sacks, M., and Smith, K. Rolling along a square path: the dynamics of biased balls
American Journal of Physics 88, 465-474 (2020)
AJP article
( Copyright notice)
AJP site
88 Farhang, N., Wheatland, M.S., and Safari, H. Energy balance in avalanche models for solar flares
Astrophysical Journal Letters 883:L20 (7pp) (2019)
ApJ Letters
87 Tasnim, S., Cairns, I.H., Li, B., and Wheatland, M.S. Mapping magnetic field lines for an accelerating solar wind
Solar Physics 294:155 (18pp) (2019)
Solar Physics
86 Barczynski, K., Aulanier, G., Masson, S., and Wheatland, M.S. Flare reconnection-driven magnetic field and Lorentz force variations at the Sun's surface
Astrophysical Journal 877:67 (16pp) (2019)

85 Bronarska, K., Wheatland, M.S., Gopalswamy, N. and Michalek, G. Very narrow coronal mass ejections producing solar energetic particles
Astronomy & Astrophysics 619:A34 (6pp) (2018)
Uni repository

84 Mastrano, A., Wheatland, M.S., and Gilchrist, S.A. A check on the validity of magnetic field reconstructions
Solar Physics 293:130 (2018)
Solar Physics
Uni repository

83 Kleint, L., Wheatland, M.S., Mastrano, A., and McCauley, P.I. Nonlinear force-free modeling of flare-related magnetic field changes at the photosphere and chromosphere
Astrophysical Journal 865: 146 (9 pp) (2018)

82 Wheatland, M.S., Melrose, D.B., and Mastrano, A. Photospheric response to a flare
Astrophysical Journal 864:159 (8 pp) (2018)

81 Farhang, N., Safari, H., and Wheatland, M.S. Principle of minimum energy in magnetic reconnection in a self-organized critical model for solar flares
Astrophysical Journal, 859:41 (10 pp) (2018)

80 Tasnim, S., Cairns, I.H., and Wheatland, M.S. A generalized equatorial model for the accelerating solar wind
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123, 1061-1085 (2018)
JGR Space Weather
Uni repository

79 Zhou, G.P., Zhang, J., Wang, J.X. and Wheatland, M.S. A study of eternal magnetic reconnection that triggers a solar eruption
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 851:L1 (8 pp) (2017)
ApJ (open access)
78 Litvinenko, Yuri E. and Wheatland, M.S. Sunspot and starspot lifetimes in a turbulent erosion model
The Astrophysical Journal 834:108 (8pp) (2017)

77 Raboonik, A., Safari, H., Alipour, N., and Wheatland, M.S. Prediction of solar flares using unique signatures of magnetic field images
The Astrophysical Journal 834:11 8pp (2017)

76 Melrose, D.B. and Wheatland, M.S. Is Cyclotron maser emission in solar flares driven by a horseshoe distribution?
Solar Physics 291, 3637-3658 (2016)
Solar Physics

75 Barnes, G., Leka, K.D., Schrijver, C.J., Colak, T., Qahwaji, O.W., Ashamari, O., Yuan, Y., Zhang, J., McAteer, R.T.J., Bloomfield, D.S., Higgins, P.A., Gallagher, P.T., Falconer, D.A., Georgoulis, M.K., Wheatland, M.S., Balch, C., Dunn, T., and Wagner, E.L. A comparison of flare forecasting methods, I: Results from the "All-Clear" workshop
The Astrophysical Journal 829:89 32pp (2016)

74 DeRosa, M.L., Wheatland, M.S., Leka, K.D., Barnes, G., Amari, T., Canou, A., Gilchrist, S.A., Thalmann, J.K., Valori, G., Wiegelmann, T., Schrijver, C.J., Malanushenko, A., Sun, X., Régnier, S. The influence of spatial resolution on nonlinear force-free modeling
The Astrophysical Journal 811:107 21pp (2015)

73 Wheatland, M.S. Estimating electric current densities in solar active regions
Solar Physics 290 1147-1157 (2015)
Solar Physics

72 Litvinenko, Yuri E. and Wheatland, M.S. Modeling sunspot and starspot decay by turbulent erosion
The Astrophysical Journal 800 130-136 (2015)

71 Malanushenko, A., Carolus Schrijver, DeRosa, M.L., and Michael Wheatland Using coronal loops to reconstruct the magnetic field of an active region before and after a major flare
The Astrophysical Journal 783 102-116 (2014)

70 Gilchrist, S.A. and Wheatland, M.S. Nonlinear force-free modeling of the corona in spherical coordinates
Solar Physics 289 1153-1171 (2014)
Solar Physics

69 Melrose, D.B. and Wheatland, M.S. Bulk energization of electrons in solar flares by Alfvén waves
Solar Physics 289 881-897 (2014)
Solar Physics
68 Melrose, D.B. and Wheatland, M.S. Transfer of energy, potential and current by Alfvén waves in solar flares
Solar Physics 288, 223-240 (2013)

67 Noble, P.L. and Wheatland, M.S. Origin and use of the Laplace distribution in daily sunspot numbers
Solar Physics 282, 565-578 (2013)
66 Gilchrist, S.A. and Wheatland, M.S. A magnetostatic Grad-Rubin code for coronal magnetic field extrapolations
Solar Physics 282, 283-302 (2013)
65 Cross, R.C. and Wheatland, M.S. Modeling a falling slinky
American Journal of Physics 80, 1051-1060 (2012)
AJP article
(AJP © notice)
64 Malanushenko, A., Schrijver, C.J., DeRosa, M.L., Wheatland, M.S., and Gilchrist, S.A. Guiding nonlinear force-free modeling using coronal observations: first results using a quasi Grad-Rubin scheme
The Astrophysical Journal 756, 153 (19pp) (2012)
63 Noble, P.L. and Wheatland, M.S. A Bayesian approach to forecasting solar cycles using a Fokker-Planck equation
Solar Physics 276, 363-381 (2012)
62 Gilchrist, S.A., Wheatland, M.S. and Leka, K.D. The free energy of NOAA solar active region AR 11029
Solar Physics 276, 133-160 (2012)
61 Keane, A.J., Mushtaq, A., and Wheatland, M.S. Alfven solitons in a Fermionic quantum plasma
Physical Review E 83, 066407 (2011)

60 Noble, P.L. and Wheatland, M.S. Modeling the sunspot number distribution with a Fokker-Planck equation
The Astrophysical Journal 732, 5, 1-8 (2011)
59 Wheatland, M.S. and Leka, K.D. Achieving self-consistent nonlinear force-free modeling of solar active regions
The Astrophysical Journal 728, 112-123 (2011)

58 Zhou, G.P., Xiao, C.J., Wang, J.X., Wheatland, M.S., and Zhao, H. A current sheet traced from the Sun to interplanetary space
Astronomy and Astrophysics 525, A156 (2011)
57 Kanazir, M. and Wheatland, M.S. Time-dependent stochastic modelling of solar active region energy
Solar Physics 266, 301-321 (2010)
Solar Physics
56 Wheatland, M.S. Evidence for departure from a power-law flare size distribution for a small solar active region
The Astrophysical Journal 710, 1324-1334 (2010)
55 Eastwood, J.P., Wheatland, M.S., Hudson, H.S., Krucker, S., Bale, S.D., Maksimovic, M., Goetz, K., and Bougeret, J.-L. On the brightness and waiting-time distributions of a Type III radio storm observed by STEREO/WAVES
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 708, L95-L99 (2010)

54 Wheatland, M.S. and Régnier, S. A self-consistent nonlinear force-free solution for a solar active region magnetic field
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 700, L88-L91 (2009)
53 DeRosa, M.L., Schrijver, C.J., Barnes, G., Leka, K.D., Lites, B.W., Aschwanden, M.J., Amari, T., Canou, A., McTiernan, J.M., Regnier, S., Thalmann, J.K., Valori, G., Wheatland, M.S., Wiegelmann, T., Cheung, M.C.M., Conlon, P.A., Fuhrmann, M., Inhester, B., and Tadesse, T. A critical assessment of nonlinear force-free modelling of the solar corona for active region 10953
The Astrophysical Journal 696, 1780-1791 (2009)
52 Wheatland, M.S. Monte-Carlo simulation of solar active-region energy
Solar Physics 255, 211-227 (2009)
51 Rafat, M.Z., Wheatland, M.S., and Bedding, T.R. Dynamics of a double pendulum with distributed mass
American Journal of Physics 77 (3), 216-223 (2009)
AJP article
( Copyright notice)
50 Wheatland, M.S. The energetics of a flaring solar active region and observed flare statistics
The Astrophysical Journal 679, 1621-1628 (2008)
49 Metcalf, T.R., DeRosa, M.L., Schrijver, C.J., Barnes, G., van Ballegooijen, A.A., Wiegelmann, T., Wheatland, M.S., Valori, G., and McTiernan, J.M. Non-linear force-free field modeling of coronal magnetic fields. II. Modeling a filament arcade and simulated chromospheric and photospheric vector fields
Solar Physics 247, 269-299 (2008)
48 Sturrock, P.A. and Wheatland, M.S. Analysis and packaging of radiochemical solar neutrino data: A Bayesian approach
Solar Physics 247, 217-224 (2008)
47 Schrijver, C.J., DeRosa, M.L., Metcalf, T., Barnes, G., Lites, B., Tarbell, T., McTiernan, J., Valori, G., Wiegelmann, T., Wheatland, M.S., Amari, T., Aulanier, G., Demoulin, P., Fuhrmann, M., Kusano, K., Regnier, S., and Thalmann, J.K. Non-linear force-free field modeling of a solar active region around the time of a major flare and coronal mass ejection
The Astrophysical Journal 675, 1637-1644 (2008)
46 Wheatland, M.S. Calculating and testing nonlinear force-free fields
Solar Physics 245, 251-262 (2007)
45 Wheatland, M.S., and Craig, I.J.D. Including flare sympathy in a model for solar flare statistics
Solar Physics 238, 73-86 (2006)
44 Wheatland, M.S. A fast current-field iteration method for calculating nonlinear force-free fields
Solar Physics 238, 29-39 (2006)
43 Wheatland, M.S. A rate-independent test for solar flare sympathy
Solar Physics 236, 213-324 (2006)
42 Schrijver, C.J., DeRosa, M.L., Metcalf, T.R., Liu, Y., McTiernan, J., Regnier, S., Wheatland, M.S., and Wiegelmann, T. Nonlinear force-free modeling of coronal magnetic fields Part I: A quantitative comparison of methods
Solar Physics 235, 161-190 (2006)
41 Barnes, G., Leka, K.D., and Wheatland, M.S. Quantifying the performance of force-free extrapolation methods using known solutions
The Astrophysical Journal 641, 1181-1196 (2006)
40 Wheatland, M.S. and Metcalf, T.R. An improved virial estimate of solar active region energy
The Astrophysical Journal 636, 1151-1158 (2006)
39 Sturrock, P.A., Caldwell, D.O., Scargle, J.D., and Wheatland, M.S. Power-spectrum analyses of super-Kamiokande solar neutrino data: Variability and its implications for solar physics and neutrino physics
Physical Review D., 72(11), id. 113004 (2005)
38 Litvinenko, Y.E. and Wheatland, M.S. A simple dynamical model for filament formation in the solar corona
The Astrophysical Journal 630, 587-595 (2005)
37 Wheatland, M.S. A statistical solar flare forecast method
Space Weather Vol. 3, No. 7, S07003 doi:10.1029/2004SW000131 (2005)

A document by H. Safari and A. Raboonik (University of Zanjan) including a Persian translation.
36 Sturrock, P.A., Scargle, J.D., Walther, G. and Wheatland, M.S. Combined and comparative analysis of power spectra
Solar Physics 227, 137-153 (2005)
35 Wheatland, M.S. Parallel construction of nonlinear force-free fields
Solar Physics 222, 247-264 (2004)
34 Wheatland, M.S. A Bayesian approach to solar flare prediction
The Astrophysical Journal 609, 1134-1139 (2004)
33 Litvinenko, Y.E. and Wheatland, M.S. Energy balance in the corona over the 22-year solar cycle
Solar Physics 219, 265-277 (2004)
32 Wheatland, M.S. and Farvis, F.J. Testing circuit models for the energies of coronal magnetic field configurations
Solar Physics 219, 109-123 (2004)
31 Wheatland, M.S. and Craig, I.J.D. Towards a reconnection model for solar flare statistics
The Astrophysical Journal 595, 458-464 (2003)
30 Wheatland, M.S. The coronal mass ejection waiting-time distribution
Solar Physics 214, 361-373 (2003)
29 Craig, I.J.D. and Wheatland, M.S. Interpretation of statistical flare data using magnetic reconnection models
Solar Physics 211, 275-287 (2002)
28 Wheatland, M.S. and Litvinenko, Y.E. Understanding solar flare waiting-time distributions
Solar Physics 211, 255-274 (2002)
27 Wheatland, M.S. Distribution of flare energies based on independent reconnecting structures
Solar Physics 208, 33-42 (2002)
26 Wheatland, M.S. Rates of flaring in individual active regions
Solar Physics 203, 87-106 (2001)
25 Wheatland, M.S. and Litvinenko, Y.E. Energy balance in the flaring solar corona
The Astrophysical Journal 557, 332-336 (2001)
24 Uchida, Y., Wheatland, M.S., Yoshitake, I., Haga, R. and Melrose, D.B. Yohkoh/HXT evidence for hyperhot sources in the pre-impulsive phase of a loop flare
Solar Physics 202, 117-130 (2001)
23 Litvinenko, Yuri E. and Wheatland, M.S. Modeling the rate of occurrence of solar flares
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 550, L109-L112 (2001)
22 Sturrock, P.A., Weber, M., Wheatland, M.S. and Wolfson, R. Metastable magnetic configurations and their significance for solar eruptive events
The Astrophysical Journal 548, 492-496 (2001)
21 Wheatland, M.S. The origin of the solar flare waiting-time distribution
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 536, L109-L112 (2000)
20 Wheatland, M.S., Sturrock, P.A. and Roumeliotis, G. An optimization approach to reconstructing force-free fields
The Astrophysical Journal 540, 1150-1155 (2000)
19 Wheatland, M.S. Flare frequency-size distributions for individual active regions
The Astrophysical Journal 532, 1209-1214 (2000)
18 Wheatland, M.S. Are electric currents in solar active regions neutralized?
The Astrophysical Journal 532, 616-621 (2000)
17 Wheatland, M.S. Do solar flares exhibit an interval-size relationship?
Solar Physics 191, 381-389 (2000)
16 Sturrock, P.A., Scargle, J.D., Walther, G. and Wheatland, M.S. Rotational Signature and Possible R-Mode Signature in the GALLEX Solar Neutrino Data
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 523, L177-L180 (1999)
15 Wheatland, M.S. and Uchida, Y. Frequency-energy distributions of flares and active region transient brightenings
Solar Physics 189 163-172 (1999)
14 Hudson, T.S. and Wheatland, M.S. Topological differences between force-free field models
Solar Physics 186 301-310 (1999)
Solar Physics
13 Wheatland, M.S. A better linear force-free field
The Astrophysical Journal 518 948-953 (1999)
12 Wheatland, M.S., Sturrock, P.A. and McTiernan, J.M. The waiting-time distribution of solar flare hard X-ray bursts
The Astrophysical Journal 509, 448-455 (1998)
11 Sturrock, P.A., Walther, G. and Wheatland, M.S. Apparent latitudinal modulation of the solar neutrino flux
The Astrophysical Journal 507, 978-983 (1998)
10 Sheppard, C.J., Calvert, G. and Wheatland, M. Focal distribution for superresolving Toraldo filters
Journal of the Optical Society of America A Vol. 15, No. 4, 849-856 (1998)
9 Wheatland, M.S. and Glukhov, S. Flare frequency distributions based on a master equation
The Astrophysical Journal 494, 858-863 (1998)
8 Sturrock, P.A., Walther, G. and Wheatland, M.S. Search for periodicities in the Homestake solar neutrino data
The Astrophysical Journal 491, 409-413 (1997)
7 Wheatland, M.S., Sturrock, P.A. and Acton, L.W. Coronal heating and the vertical temperature structure of the quiet corona
The Astrophysical Journal 482, 510-518 (1997)
6 Sturrock, P.A., Wheatland, M.S. and Acton, L.W. Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope images of the diffuse solar corona
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 461, L115-L117 (1996)
5 Wheatland M.S. and Sturrock, P.A. Avalanche models of solar flares and the distribution of active regions
The Astrophysical Journal 471, 1044-1048 (1996)
4 Wheatland, M.S. and Melrose, D.B. Energy release in a prominence-loaded flaring loop
Solar Physics 159, 137-141 (1995)
3 Wheatland, M.S. and Melrose, D.B. Interpreting Yohkoh hard and soft X-ray flare observations
Solar Physics 158, 283-299 (1995)
2 Wheatland, M.S. and Melrose, D.B. Cross-field current closure below the solar photosphere
Australian Journal of Physics 47, 361-374 (1994)
1 Wheatland, M.S. and Melrose, D.B. Alfvenic fronts and the turning-off of the energy release in solar flares
Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia 11, 25-27 (1994)
Conference proceedings

10 Wheatland, M.S. and Gilchrist, S.A. Nonlinear force-free modeling of magnetic fields in flare-productive active regions
Solar and Stellar Flares and Their Effects on Planets, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 320, eds. A.G. Kosovichev, S.L. Hawley, and P. Heinzel, Cambridge University Press (2016)
Open access

9 Wheatland, M.S. and Gilchrist, S.A. The state of nonlinear force-free magnetic field extrapolation
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 440 012037 (2013)
Open access
8 Wheatland, M.S. and Leka, K.D. Modelling magnetic fields in the corona using nonlinear force-free fields
Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Solar Physics Meeting, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengalaru, India, March 21-24 2011, published in the Astr. Soc. India Conf. Ser. Volume 2, Editors Arnab Rai Choudhuri and Dipankar Banerjee (2012)
Open access
7 Cally, P.S., Wheatland, M.S., Cairns, I.H., and Melrose, D.B. Solar physics research in Australia
Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Solar Physics Meeting, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengalaru, India, March 21-24 2011, published in the Astr. Soc. India Conf. Ser. Volume 2, Editors Arnab Rai Choudhuri and Dipankar Banerjee (2012)
Open access

6 Wheatland, M.S., Gilchrist, S.A., and Régnier, S. Modelling the coronal magnetic field using Hinode (and future) data
Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 21: Solar Terrestrial, 327-338, Editor-in-Chief Marc Duldig, World Scientific: Singapore (2010)
Order this book
5 Wheatland, M.S. Reconstruction of nonlinear force-free fields and solar flare prediction
Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 8: Solar Terrestrial, 123-137, Editor-in-Chief Marc Duldig, World Scientific: Singapore, (2007)
4 Wheatland, M.S. Initial test of a Bayesian approach to solar flare prediction
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 22, 153-156 (2005)
3 Wheatland, M.S. A parallel approach to nonlinear force-free fields
The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics, Proceedings of the Fifth Solar-B Science Meeting held at the International House of Japan, Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan, eds. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii, ASP Conference Series Volume 325, 131-136 (2004)
2 Wheatland, M.S. A test to confirm the source of energy for solar flares
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 18, 351-354 (2001)
1 Wheatland, M.S. and Edney, S.D. Models for flare statistics and the waiting-time distribution of solar flare hard X-ray bursts,
in Solar Physics with Radio Observations, Proceedings of the Nobeyama Symposium 1998, NRO Report No. 479, 357-360 (1999)
Book chapters

1 Wheatland, M.S. Bayesian data analysis
Chapter 4 in Complex Physical, Biophysical and Econophysical Systems, Proceedings of the 22nd Canberra International Physics Summer School, The Australian National University, Canberra, 8 - 19 December 2008, Eds. Robert L. Dewar and Frank Detering, World Scientific Lecture Notes in Complex Systems - Vol. 9 World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore (2010)
Order this book

A document by H. Safari and A. Raboonik (University of Zanjan) including a Persian translation.

Books as editor

1 Andreas Keiling (Editor), Octav Marghitu (Editor), Michael Wheatland (Editor) Electric Currents in Geospace and Beyond
Geophysical Monograph 235, Geophysical Monograph Series, American Geophysical Union and John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (2018)
To buy the book
Wiley Online Library


1 Wheatland, M.S. Some Topics in the Physics of Solar Flares
Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Sydney (1995)
Scanned copy of thesis

2 Leibacher, J., Mandrini, C.H., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., and Wheatland, M.S. Editorial: Last Print Issue of Solar Physics,
Solar Physics 292, 12, article id #196, 2 pp. (2017)
Solar Physics

1 Charbonneau, P., Leibacher, J., Mandrini, C., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., and Wheatland, M.S. Editorial: 50 Years of Solar Physics,
Solar Physics 291, 3461-3465 (2016)
Solar Physics

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