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A very simple wind tunnel using a plastic sheet rolled into a cone. It blows air at 4 m/s onto a polystyrene ball supported by two cotton threads (to reduce sideways motion). The angle from the vertical measures the drag force


A person standing in a room

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Measuring the drag force on a balloon. The forces on the balloon include gravity, the buoyant force and the drag force.


A picture containing indoor, person, shelf, book

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 Magnus force on a spinning balloon.  Magnus force on a paper cylinder


 A picture containing small, sitting, holding, table

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Magnus force on two plastic cups taped end to end and launched with backspin using two rubber bands. The result is a typical baseball “pop-up”. Here is the method  and here is a backspin “golf shot” at lower spin.


A picture containing racket, game, sport, ball

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Slow motion 300 fps movie showing a 10 gram polystyrene ball thrown with a home-made Lacrosse type launcher at 23 m/s with backspin at 2000 rpm. Defies gravity !    


          A close up of a football field

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The same 10 gram ball launched with sidespin shows an equally dramatic effect in the horizontal direction due to the horizontal Magnus force. The spin axis is slightly tilted. The small vertical component of the Magnus force counters gravity, so the ball moves in a horizontal plane. Another example  Even more surprising is Negative Magnus on a smooth ball.


 A person standing next to a ball

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Reverse swing of a cricket ball occurs at ball speeds around 90 mph, provided the seam is aligned at around 20-30 degrees to the path of the ball. It can be easily demonstrated with a balloon at 1 mph