and curvature drifts mean that it is not possible to confine a plasma
using curved magnetic fields or, more generally, in magnetic field configurations such that
One reason is that the charge-dependent drift
causes charge separations and the build up of an ambipolar electric field perpendicular to
which then leads to an
drift of the plasma across the magnetic field.
These problems are of considerable interest in laboratory and fusion plasma physics.
These drifts are very important in understanding the motions of particles in the solar wind
and Earth's magnetosphere. For instance, the
and curvature drifts are important in
understanding the injection of energetic particles close to Earth during magnetic substorms.
One specific illustration of how these drifts lead to particle acceleration involves shock
waves, which have increases in magnetic field strength and direction across the shock (Figure 2.5).
Consider the solar wind flow onto Earth's bow shock, in particular. The drift
is into the page for protons and out of the page for electrons. Notice now that the solar wind's
convection electric field is into the page. Accordingly, the proton drift velocity
parallel to
while for electrons
is anti-parallel to
In both cases, the drifting particles can gain energy, consistent with Eq. (2.4). This mechanism
is called shock-drift acceleration. It is important in understanding energetic particles
in the solar corona, interplanetary medium, and probably the outer heliosphere (as well as in