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Impact Ionization and Losses

The ionization rate of species M due to impact ionization by energetic electrons can be written in the form


where tex2html_wrap_inline630 is the electron flux at energy E and tex2html_wrap_inline634 is the corresponding cross-section [e.g., Li, 1992].

A number of electron and ion losses exist. These include radiative recombination tex2html_wrap_inline636 , dissociative recombination tex2html_wrap_inline638 , and attachment tex2html_wrap_inline640 . Typically these loss rates are given by the product of the number densities of electrons and the interacting species with a rate coefficient. For instance, the radiative recombination loss rate can be written


These rate coefficients can be obtained experimentally.

Iver Cairns
Thu Sep 23 17:08:59 EST 1999