I.H. Cairns: Recent and Current Research
Not Updated since 1997
Recent Research
Bow Shocks
- I.H. Cairns and C.L. Grabbe, Towards an analytic MHD theory for the
standoff distance of Earth's bow shock, Geophys. Res. Lett., 21, 2,781, 1994.
- I.H. Cairns, D.H. Fairfield, R.R. Anderson, V.E.H. Carlton, K.I.
Paularena, and A.J. Lazarus, Unusual locations of
Earth's bow shock on 24-25 September 1987: Mach number effects,
J. Geophys. Res., 100, 47, 1995.
- I.H. Cairns and J.G. Lyon, MHD simulations of Earth's bow shock: standoff
distances, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 17,173, 1995.
- C.L. Grabbe and I.H. Cairns,
Analytic MHD Theory for Earth's Bow Shock at Low Mach Numbers
J. Geophys. Res., 100, 19,941, 1995.
- S. Xue, I. H. Cairns, C.W. Smith, and D. A. Gurnett,
A Study of Uranus' Bow Shock Motions Using Langmuir Waves
J. Geophys. Res., 101, 7659, 1996.
- I.H. Cairns and C.L. Grabbe, Responses,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 311, 1996.
- I.H. Cairns, D.H. Fairfield, R.R. Anderson, K.I.
Paularena, and A.J. Lazarus, Reply,
J. Geophys. Res., 101, 7679, 1996.
- I.H. Cairns and J.G. Lyon, Magnetic Field Orientation Effects on
the Standoff Distance of Earth's Bow Shock, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
23, 2883, 1996.
Type III Solar Radio Bursts
- P.A. Robinson, I.H. Cairns, and A.J. Willes, Dynamics and efficiency
of type III radio emission, Ap. J., 422, 870, 1994.
- I.H. Cairns and P.A. Robinson, The stochastic growth theory for type III
solar radio bursts: a review, Physics of Space Plasmas
(1993), SPI Conference Proceedings and Reprint Series, Number 13,
T. Chang. and J.R. Jasperse, eds. (MIT Center for Theoretical GEO/COSMO Plasma
Physics, Cambridge, Mass.) 223--234, 1995.
- P.A. Robinson and I.H. Cairns,
Fundamental and Harmonic Radiation in Type III Solar Radio Bursts
Sol. Phys., in press, 1995.
- I.H. Cairns, Detectability of Electrostatic Decay Products in Ulysses and
Galileo Observations of Type III Solar Radio Sources,
Astrophys. J. 449, L95, 1995.
- I.H. Cairns and P.A. Robinson, Ion acoustic wave frequencies and onset times
during type III solar radio bursts, Astrophys. J., 453, 959, 1995.
- I.H. Cairns and P.A. Robinson, Inconsistency of Ulysses Millisecond
Langmuir Spikes with Wave Collapse in Type III Radio Sources,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 3437, 1995.
- I.H. Cairns and P.A. Robinson,
Nonlinear Processes in Type III Solar Radio Bursts
in Physics of Space Plasmas (1995), SPI Conference Proceedings and
Reprint Series, Number 14}, T. Chang and J. R. Jasperse, eds.
(MIT Center for Theoretical GEO/COSMO Plasma Physics,
Cambridge, Mass.) 1996.
Foreshock Waves and Radiation
- I.H. Cairns, Fine structure in plasma waves and radiation near the plasma
frequency in Earth's foreshock, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 23,505, 1994.
- P.A. Robinson and I.H. Cairns, Maximum Langmuir fields in planetary
foreshocks determined from the electrostatic decay threshold,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 2657, 1995.
- I.H. Cairns and P.A. Robinson, First test of stochastic growth theory
for Langmuir waves in Earth's foreshock, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
submitted, 1996.
The Outer Heliosphere
- G.P. Zank, I.H. Cairns, D.J. Donohue, and W.H. Matthaeus, Radio emissions
and the heliospheric termination shock, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 14,729, 1994.
- G.P. Zank, D.J. Donohue, and I.H. Cairns, The heliospheric termination
shock, in Research Trends in Plasma Astrophysics, V. Stefan,
ed., A.I.P. Press, in press, 1995.
- G.P. Zank, I.H. Cairns, and G.M. Webb, The Termination Shock: Physical
Processes, Adv. Space Res. 15(8/9), 453, 1995.
- G.P. Zank, H.L. Pauls, I. H. Cairns, and G.M. Webb,
Interstellar Pickup Ions and Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks:~~Implications
for the Termination Shock and Interplanetary Shocks,
J. Geophys. Res., 101, 457, 1996.
Scattering Theory
- I.H. Cairns, Radio Wave Scattering in the Outer Heliosphere:
Preliminary Calculations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 3433, 1995.
- I.H. Cairns, On Radio Wave Scattering in the Outer Heliosphere
in Proceedings of the International Solar Wind 8 Conference,
August 1995, Dana Point, CA, in press, 1996.
- I.H. Cairns, Angular broadening for Finite Ratios of Plasma Frequency
to Radiation Frequency: Generalized Geometric Optics and Parabolic Wave
Equation Approaches, Astrophys. J., submitted, 1996.
Other Topics
- I.H. Cairns and J.D. Menietti, Radiation near 2f_p and intensified
emissions near f_p in the dayside and nightside auroral region and
polar cap, J. Geophys. Res., in press, 1996
- S.R. Spangler, J.A. Leckband, and I.H. Cairns, On the decay
instability for foreshock MHD waves,
Physics of Plasmas, in press, 1996.
Current Research
Bow Shocks
Work is proceeding on (1) 3-D ideal MHD simulations of bow shock
locations as a function of magnetic field
orientation, Alfven mach number, and sonic mach number
(Cairns, Lyon), (2) analytic theories for the standoff distance
(Grabbe, Cairns), (3) comparisons of data with theory/Simulation
results (Cairns, Lyon, Grabbe, MIT group, GSFC group).
Type III Solar Radio Bursts
Work is proceeding on nonlinear processes in type III bursts (Cairns and
Foreshock Waves and Radiation
Work is proceeding on (1) nonlinear processes involving Langmuir waves
and/or radiation, (2) applying stochastic growth theory to the
foreshock waves (Cairns, Robinson), (3) Vlasov simulations of foreshock wave growth
and nonlinear processes (Cairns, Klimas), (4) applying nonlinear wave theory
to recent Ulysses and Wind observations.
Auroral Radio Emissions
Work is proceeding on radio emissions near 2f_p and intensified emissions
near f_p at mid-altitudes near the auroral regions and over the polar
cap in the DE-1 and POLAR data (Menietti and Cairns).
The Outer Heliosphere
Work is proceeding on the effects of cosmic rays and interstellar pick-up
ions on turbulence and the structure of the outer heliosphere (Zank, Cairns,
Pauls, C.W. Smith).
Scattering Theory
Work is proceeding on angular broadening of the Voyager 2-3 kHz radio
emissions in the outer heliosphere.