Computer Purchasing Policy

Purpose Of This Document:

This document outlines the process by which computers are purchased in the School.

Base Entitlement:

School staff and postgraduate students are entitled to a single base-level computer (Mac, Linux or Windows) provided by the School. The specifications of the machine will reflect the current optimal value for money in the computer market. The decision on specifications is made by TSS staff to a value for $2,500 exGST (inc 4 year mandatory warranty). The base-level computer will be replaced when it reaches end-of-life, which is currently every four years. All computer devices purchased using School funding or part purchased using School funding remain the property of the School and are to be returned as part of that persons off-boarding procedure.

For research staff paid from external funds their line manager is responsible for funds allocation. TSS can assist in computer quoting and purchasing with costs assigned to a nominated account. The supervisor will be listed as the custodian of these computers and can assign them as they wish over the life of the computer, returning them to the school for disposal once they are no longer required.

Performance Upgrades:

Some users (e.g. those using numerically intensive codes) may wish to increase the performance of their School-funded computer. In such cases, the School will contribute the cost of a current base-level computer, as outlined under "Base Entitlement" above, and individuals or group funds must be used to pay the difference in cost of a machine with higher specifications.

Purchasing Procedures:

School-funded computer should be purchased by contacting TSS support who will advise on specifications, compatibility and vendors. Note that School-funded computers are the property of the School, and should not be considered as the personal property of the user.

Operating Systems & Configuration:

All School-funded computer will have a standard configuration consistent with the operational structure of the University. For Windows and Apple computers, the standard configuration includes compulsory software for cyber-security, central file management, application support and operating system updates. Note that laptop users are personally responsible for all aspects of data backup. The school does not support or fund data recover costs.

Users should also note that while they can maintain their own computer, as in the case of Linux syatems (Ubuntu recommanded), such a choice makes them entirely responsible for all aspects of operation, backup and security.

Computers not purchased through TSS:

If you are considering purchasing computers or any other hardware to be networked and maintained by TSS, please first consult a TSS staff member. TSS will not take any responsibility for purchased hardware which can not be networked or will not work with networked systems due to hardware or software incompatibilities.

Users should note that very limited support is available for Linux and dual boot laptop/desktop computers. The constantly changing nature of Laptop hardware makes it very difficult to create reliable standard configurations.