The TESS-HERMES Survey aims to obtain stellar parameters from high-resolution spectroscopy for all stars within 10 < V < 13.1 in the southern continuous viewing zone (CVZ) of TESS.

The CVZ covers all stars within 12 degrees from the ecliptic pole. TESS will observe the CVZ for almost a full year continuously during its nominal 2-year mission.

The TESS-HERMES DR1 Catalog (Sharma et al. 2017):
The tables describing the content of the above DR1 catalog are shown below (Sharma et al. 2017, tables 2 and 4).

The TIC (Stassun et al. 2017) restricted to the TESS-HERMES DR1 stars (ordered to match that of the above files):

Tables of content:

Table 2. Spectroscopic quality flag (spflag_hermes) from the Galah analysis pipeline v1.3:
The Cannon starts to extrapolate. For some stars values could be incorrect.
The Chi^2 of the best fitting model spectrum is significantly higher or lower. Accuracy likely to be compromised.
The Cannon extrapolates and Chi^2 is also higher or lower.  Accuracy likely to be compromised.

Table 4. Catalog Description:
alias description unit datatype source
ra Right Ascension (ICRS, Epoch=J2000) deg float64 UCAC4
dec Right Ascension (ICRS, Epoch=J2000) deg float64 UCAC4
tic_id TESS input catalog identifier
int64 TIC
tmass_id 2MASS identifier
char[16] 2MASS
ucac UCAC identifier
char[10] UCAC4
sobject_id Galah spectrum identifier
int64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.2
snr_c1 S/N per pixel for ccd-1 (blue channel)
float64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.2
snr_c2 S/N per pixel for ccd-1 (green channel)
float64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.2
snr_c3 S/N per pixel for ccd-1 (red channel)
float64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.2
snr_c4 S/N per pixel for ccd-1 (infrared channel)
float64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.2
jmag 2MASS J magnitude mag float64 2MASS
hmag 2MASS H magnitude mag float64 2MASS
kmag 2MASS K magnitude mag float64 2MASS
teff Effective temperature K float64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.3
logg Surface gravity, log(g)
log(cm/s^2) float64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.3
feh Iron abundance relative to Sun, [Fe/H]
dex float64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.3
vmic Microturbulence km/s float64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.3
vsini Rotational and Macroturbulence Velocity km/s float64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.3
mini Initial mass solMass float64 Isochrone-based Bayesian estimates, Sec 3
mact actual mass (incl. mass loss) solMass float64 Isochrone-based Bayesian estimates, Sec 3
radius Stellar radius solRad float64 Isochrone-based Bayesian estimates, Sec 3
dist Distance kpc float64 Isochrone-based Bayesian estimates, Sec 3
ebv Extinction, E(B-V)
mag float64 Isochrone-based Bayesian estimates, Sec 3
age Age Gyr float64 Isochrone-based Bayesian estimates, Sec 3
priority_tic Priority in TIC/CTL
float64 TIC
stflag_hermes Stellar type flag
char[9] One of the following: [lmc, giant, cooldwarf, hotdwarf]
spflag_hermes Spectroscopy quality flag
int64 One of the following: [0, 1, 2, 3], see table 2
e_jmag Uncertainty in 2MASS J mag mag float64 2MASS
e_hmag Uncertainty in 2MASS H mag mag float64 2MASS
e_kmag Uncertainty in 2MASS K mag mag float64 2MASS
e_teff Uncertainty in temperature K float64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.3
e_logg Uncertainty in surface gravity log(cm/s^2) float64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.3
e_feh Uncertainty in Iron abundance log(Sun) float64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.3
e_vmic Uncertainty in microturbulence km/s float64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.3
e_vsini Uncertainty in rotational velocity km/s float64 Galah 1.3, Sec 2.3
e_mini Uncertainty in initial mass solMass float64 Isochrone-based Bayesian estimates, Sec 3
e_mact Uncertainty in actual mass solMass float64 Isochrone-based Bayesian estimates, Sec 3
e_radius Uncertainty in radius solRad float64 Isochrone-based Bayesian estimates, Sec 3
e_dist Uncertainty in distance kpc float64 Isochrone-based Bayesian estimates, Sec 3
e_ebv Uncertainty in extinction mag float64 Isochrone-based Bayesian estimates, Sec 3
e_age Uncertainty in age Gyr float64 Isochrone-based Bayesian estimates, Sec 3

This page is maintained by Dennis Stello and Sanjib Sharma