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Sydney Quantum Information Theory Workshop

2 - 5 February 2016

Coogee Bay Hotel, Coogee, Sydney

This will be a small, focussed workshop bringing together leading and up-and-coming international and Australian researchers and research students in quantum information theory. The aim is to present new results (or even new research directions without results yet) with lots of time to discuss. The program will consist of a limited number of invited talks with considerable time for discussion. PhD students and postdocs are very welcome and encouraged to participate.

This year, the workshop will have a special focus on the connections between topology, quantum many-body physics, and quantum information, as well as selected topics from quantum computation and quantum information theory.

Group photo


Talk titles and abstracts

Talk slides

Confirmed speakers:

    • Parsa Bonderson (Station Q, USA)
    • Joseph Emerson (Waterloo, Canada)
    • Vaughan Jones (Vanderbilt, USA)
    • Aleksander Kubica (Caltech, USA)
    • Gus Lehrer (Sydney, Australia)
    • Scott Morrison (ANU, Australia)
    • Tobias Osborne (Hannover, Germany)
    • David Poulin (Sherbrooke, Canada)
    • Terry Rudolph (Imperial College, UK)
    • Norbert Schuch (Munich, Germany)
    • Frank Verstraete (Vienna, Austria)
    • Guifre Vidal (Perimeter Institute, Canada)
    • Beni Yoshida (Perimeter Institute, Canada)

Scientific organising committee:

    • Stephen Bartlett (Sydney)
    • Gavin Brennen (Macquarie)
    • Andrew Doherty (Sydney)
    • Steve Flammia (Sydney)
    • Tom Stace (Queensland)


We encourage Australian researchers and PhD students to attend. Contact Stephen Bartlett if you are interested in attending.

Links to past Coogee workshops:

Homepage for Quantum Physics research group @ The University of Sydney

©Copyright January 2010, The University of Sydney

Please send questions or comments to Stephen Bartlett