&RUN_PARAMS print_when_io=.true. verbose=.false. cosmo=.false. hydro=.true. pic=.true. poisson=.true. !nrestart=0 nrestart=-608 ! output 608 from model dice_MW_MCs_q nremap=10 nsubcycle=7*1 ncontrol=1 / ! the following requires nrestart < 0 and filetype='dice_restart' in INIT_PARAMS (see below) ! See init_part.f90 for more info on these different types of restart modi ! (Un)comment out the entire block when nrestart (<) > 0 and filetype in INIT_PARAMS &RESTART_PARAMS restart_passive_vars=6,7 !-> this is mandatory and needs to corresponds to the actual indices of passive scalars reset_time=.false. !-> if .true. snapshot numbering starts from 1, i.e. output_00001 reset_cvars=.false. !-> if .true. mass and energy conservation are computed from scratch restart_ic_center=0,0,0 !-> actual shift is -restart_ic_center; USE WITH CARE!!! / &PHYSICS_PARAMS units_density = 1.6727d-24 ! 1 H / cm^3 units_time = 0.470430312423675E+15 ! G=1 -> 14.9 Myr units_length = 0.308567758128200E+22 ! 1 kpc cooling=.true. T2_star=1.0d4 !-> defines a temperature floor -> intended to keep the gas disc stable g_star=1.0d0 !-> defines a temperature floor -> intended to keep the gas disc stable n_star=1.0d0 !-> defines a temperature floor -> intended to keep the gas disc stable metal=.true. !-> cooling_fine modified to get metal-free cooling; metallicity is NO longer a tracer; affects cooling! / &HYDRO_PARAMS smallr=1.0d-20 gamma=1.667d0 courant_factor=0.5 slope_type=1 scheme='muscl' riemann='llf' !-> use perhaps a less diffusive solver? pressure_fix=.true. beta_fix=0.5d0 / &POISSON_PARAMS gravity_type=0 cic_levelmax=12 !-> use a a higher (x2) when evolving the MW-LMC-SMC system / &AMR_PARAMS boxlen=1.0d3 !-> use a larger (x2) box when evolving the MW-LMC-SMC system levelmin=7 levelmax=14 !-> use a a higher (x2) when evolving the MW-LMC-SMC system; don't forget to change '6*' ngridmax=300000 npartmax=5000000 nexpand=1 / !!! DO NOT FORGET TO COPY setup/flag_utils.f90_dmonly INTO src/flag_utils.f90 !!! &REFINE_PARAMS jeans_refine=7*4 mass_sph=2.5d-3 !-> refinement runaway without the interpolation scheme used below !mass_sph=1.0d-3 !-> leads to a lot of (perhaps unnecessary) refinements due to the analytic density field !mass_sph=5.0d-3 !-> try this instead m_refine=7*40 interpol_type=0 ! use this to avoid refinement runaway interpol_var=1 ! use this to avoid refinement runaway x_refine=7*5.d2 y_refine=7*5.d2 z_refine=7*5.d2 r_refine=4.5d2,2.22d2,9.9d1,4.0d1,1.2d1,2.5d0,4.d-1 / &BOUNDARY_PARAMS nboundary=6 bound_type= 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ! zero-gradient BCs with(out) inflow ibound_min=-1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ibound_max=-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 jbound_min= 0, 0, -1, 1, -1, -1 jbound_max= 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, 1 kbound_min= 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1 kbound_max= 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1 no_inflow=.false. / ! Comment out 'filetype' when nrestart >= 0 and the RESTART_PARAMS block &INIT_PARAMS filetype='dice_restart' ! Combination of the 'dice' and 'ramses' initfile(1)='../patch/mySIMS/Nbody+HD/dice/myics/dice_MW_MCs_restart/setup/ic' / &DICE_PARAMS ic_file='MW_corona.gx' ! Name of the initial conditions file ic_nfile=1 ! If greater than one, look for files with name matching ic_file//'.n' ic_ifout=1 ! Change ramses output index for restarts ic_format='GadgetX' ! Format of the initial conditions. 'Gadget1' or 'Gadget2' ic_center=0.0,0.0,0.0 ! Shift center parameter. ICs are automatically shifted with boxlen/2; Note that shift is -(ic_center) ! ic_velocity=0.0,0.0,0.0 ! Shift velocity parameter (in gadget_scale_v units). Only relevant for DICE_RESTART patch (filetype='dice_restart') ic_scale_pos=1.0 ! Scaling factor for the position vector ic_scale_vel=1.0 ! Scaling factor for the velocity vector ic_scale_mass=1.0 ! Scaling factor for the mass ic_scale_u=1.0 ! Scaling factor for the internal energy ic_scale_age=1.0 ! Scaling factor for the particles age ic_scale_metal=0.02 ! Scaling factor for the metallicity (DICE adopts solar units, RAMSES expects actual metal mass frac.) ic_head_name='HEAD' ! Name of the Header datablock (Gadget2 format only) ic_pos_name='POS ' ! Name of the position vector datablock (Gadget2 format only) ic_vel_name='VEL ' ! Name of the velocity vector datablock (Gadget2 format only) ic_mass_name='MASS' ! Name of the mass datablock (Gadget2 format only) ic_id_name='ID ' ! Name of the particle identifier datablock (Gadget2 format only) ic_u_name='U ' ! Name of the internal energy datablock (Gadget2 format only) ic_metal_name='Z ' ! Name of the metallicity datablock (Gadget2 format only) ic_age_name='AGE ' ! Name of the particle age datablock (Gadget2 format only) IG_rho=1.0D-10 ! Intergalactic gas density (defaults to 1.0d-5); SHOULD be ~rho at the halo's edge IG_T2=1.4D4 ! Intergalactic gas temperature (defaults to 1.0d7); SHOULD be ~T at the halo's edge IG_metal=0.0D0 ! Intergalactic gas metallicity (defaults to 1.0d-2) amr_struct=.false. ! TTG: Does not conserve mass but works better when using 'dice_restart' gadget_scale_l=3.085677581282D21 ! Gadget file length unit gadget_scale_v=1.0D5 ! Gadget file velocity unit gadget_scale_m=1.9891D43 ! Gadget file mass unit gadget_scale_t=3.15360e+13 ! Gadget file time unit ic_skip_type = -1 ! Skip specific particle type -> does not make sense if all components in dyn. equilibrium cosmo_add_gas_index = -1 ! Gas particle type index for cosmo runs ic_mag_const=0.0,0.0,0.0 ! Background magnetic field value for x,y,z component ic_mag_center_x=0.0 ! x-coordinate of the magnetic field symmetry center ic_mag_center_y=0.0 ! y-coordinate of the magnetic field symmetry center ic_mag_center_z=0.0 ! z-coordinate of the magnetic field symmetry center ic_mag_axis_x=0.0 ! Magnetic field normal vector x-component ic_mag_axis_y=0.0 ! Magnetic field normal vector y-component ic_mag_axis_z=1.0 ! Magnetic field normal vector z-component ic_mag_scale_R=1.0 ! Toroidal magnetic field scalelength ic_mag_scale_H=1.0 ! Toroidal magnetic field scaleheight ic_mag_scale_B=0.0 ! Foreground toroidal magnetic field value / &OUTPUT_PARAMS tend = 75. ! NEEDS to match the value of the restart snapshot (if nrestart > 0) delta_tout = 0.1 ! comment out to enforce an output at every time step; but nrestart > 0 will fail !output_dir='/short/dr86/ttg562/output/ramses/Nbody+HD/dice/myics/dice_MW_MCs_q_restart_corona/' output_dir='/project/RDS-FSC-GasAccGal-RW/output/ramses/Nbody+HD/dice/myics/dice_MW_MCs_q_restart_corona/' !output_dir='/export/photon1/tepper/ramses_output/Nbody+HD/dice/myics/dice_MW_MCs_q_restart_corona/' / /