Behind the Scene: November Wallpaper - High Temperature Exhaust

One of the most difficult job is to create the scenery backdrop for the artwork...
(Felix Cheung - Graphics & Web Designer of Complex Plasma Laboratory)

In total, the whole process of making this month's wallpaper can be summarised into 5 steps which required the use of various software.

As with every month's wallpaper, one of the most difficult job is to create the scenery backdrop for the artwork. In this case, I managed to use KPT Effects™ Hyper Tiling to turn a flat two-dimensional image into an interesting three-dimentional tunnel. Obviously, the final result was obtained only through long and tedious experimenting processes.

The tunnel like background was created using KPT Effects Hyper Tiling

After I have obtained the scenery backdrop, our next step is to add the car onto the image. The car was initially created as a 3D model in Rhino™. Using the Rhino™ software, I rendered the car along with its floor plane reflection with the tunnel background behind it. I rendered the car and the reflection using both Raytrace and Photometric method as the results from both are different. The two different images were then "skillfully" merged together in order to obtain the effect that I want.

Car rendered under Raytrace and Photometric (rollover image) method.

After combining the car with the scenery backdrop, next I used Particle Illusion 3™ to create the necessary particle effects. These include the purplish-pink plasma exhaust behind the car, the fire trailing behind the wings and along the backwheels of the car, the divergence of light resulting from the speed motion of the car. Due to the strong symmetry in the image, I decided to enhance the realism of the image by creating a assymmetrical distribution of smoke behind the car using Flaming Pear™ Glitterato effect. And to create a faster speed conception of the image, I added some trailing stars along the tunnel by using Alien Skin™ Constellation effect.

Before and after (rollover image) the star constellation was added to the image.

In total, the whole process of making this month's wallpaper can be summarised into 5 steps which required the use of various software.

The procedural chart in making the November wallpaper - High Temperature Exhaust.


Felix Cheung


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