ITCPP - Complex Plasmas in the New Millennium

Our chief investigator, Alex Samarian presented himself at the International Topical Conference on Plasma Physics (ITCPP2003): Complex Plasmas in The New Millennium last month between 8-12th of September. The "instabilites in charge gradient complex plasmas" and " angular velocity saturation in dust cluster rotation" have been presented. They can be downloaded in our presentation secton.

The conference was held at the beautiful Santorini Island in Greece in order to give the plasma community more science visibility in southern Europe. The conference has three purposes: to provide a forum for participants drawn from both the developing and the industrial countries; to train young European researchers and students; and to promote contacts and collaborations at an international level.

The conference has a great sucsess showed that a complex plasma is still hot topic in a new millenium. More then 100 presentetions give a complete picture of complex plasma reserches.

From the conference, it became evident that dynamical phenomena is the mainstream in complex plasma investigations. Most presentations were devoted to this issue. Interesting work on dust strings and stability in uniform ion flow was presented by M. Lampe (USA). Also, D.P. Resendes (Portugal) described the Langevin heating theory of self-excited oscillations. New experimental observation of vertical self-excited oscillations was reported by C. M. Ticos (UK).

As usual, we were given superb reviews by G. Morfill (Germany) and V. Fortov (Russia) on the "current affair" of complex plasma (and in particular, complex plasma under microgravity condition).

During the conference, participants took on an amazing excursion around the island. They visited the ancient town Akrotiri, the volcanic island, Kaimeni. And also they went to hot springs and saw a beautiful sunset in the small village Ia. The enjoyable conference was ended with an unforgettable dinner in the best see food restaurant called Selena.


Felix Cheung



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